Cgep distance is a college dedicated to distance learning. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The two practices are so similar and complementary of each other because they have the same objective: to become more aware, quiet the mind, and to connect mind, body, and spirit. They can empathize with the person down the street whos of a different religion or speaks a different language. Download Article Try something new and break your old habits. It is also helpful if you are able to do a task that promotes a meditative or very calm and relaxed mindset. Reading is an excellent mindfulness task as it is one of the few activities that, in general, cannot be done while multitasking. In fact, they might focus more on the positives (they have a really interesting approach to problem solving or their perspective on education has really made me think) rather than the negatives (their food smells funny). Below are some of the best examples of open-mindedness. It is as effective as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a staple of the clinical psychology world (Kocovski, Fleming, Hawley, Huta, & Antony, 2013).. Palgrave Macmillan. a. Sometimes new information requires rethinking the things you thought you knew. In a more advanced group, I try to choose subjects for which students will not all have the same viewpoint: medically assisted death or legalisation of all drugs. Your brain creatively fills in the gaps to protect you from crippling doubt and indecision. Publications And to be a certified foodie you must have strong preferences on a certain type or brand of cheese, beer, ice cream, wine, coffee, whiskey, or whatever. In everyday use, the term "open-minded" is often used as a synonym for being non-prejudiced or tolerant. Wearing my underwear two days in a row is not a good idea. Listening to others and actually listen Open-minded people don't just listen, they hear the thoughts of others and respond appropriately rather than listening to appear polite. Copyright 2022 Activif | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, What Exactly Is Mindfulness? Some people see the world as black-and-white. The ACPQ brings together teachers, administrators, and personnel of member colleges for pedagogical workshops that it organizes annually. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Mythological Creatures from Montreal to Gasp: An Intercollegiate Project Combining Psychology and Visual Arts, A Research Study on Attendance of Teachers Office Hours, Digital Technology to Facilitate Project-Based Learning. We might even make some new friends and expand our support network in the process. Journaling is a great way to focus on one particular task and stop your mind from wandering. Its not polite.. People have varying levels of comfort when dealing with uncertainty. You may not like the decision of other people, but then you have what it takes to see things from their perspective. Finally, Profweb offers college teachers a free web hosting environment for their educational projects. From an introduction to the features of a software application to the development of scripted teaching strategies, concepts are updated in terms of practices and emerging needs. Many therapies encourage using coloring in books to clear and calm the mind. Climate change is way more serious than I used to believe and Kim and I need to make long-term decisions, like where we live, based on its effects. Each email is short, fun, and free. Since money is finite, perhaps both of you agree that you will buy a less expensive car and use the remaining funds to go somewhere. But this is a world full of shades of grey. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'activif_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-activif_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); You will find that if you try to read a novel and your mind is on a million other things, you will not be able to absorb what is on the page. This very simple activity is probably my favourite because it integrates seamlessly into the teaching of a second language. Performa provides access to accredited professional development activities specifically adapted to the needs of college network teachers. As research has shown, being knowledgeable about something can actually contribute to closed-mindedness. For existing sites, the eligibility terms of the free-of-charge Space Web service will become effective as of January 1, 2023. Breathing exercises form an essential part of most meditative practices. Youll be forced to open your mind about your taste preferences. Unlike walls, our ego softens so saying, You were right. If you want to practice mindfulness, you do not have to sit alone in a quiet room and shut yourself off from the world. Effective leaders are able to overcome fixed thinking, generate new ideas, and take advice from knowledgeable members of their team. And in many ways, it is important to be able to have trust and faith in your own choices. Those demonstrating open-mindedness see the other side and fight the tendency to have a bias for their own views. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to advocate and build capacity for high-quality social studies by providing leadership, services, and support to educators. Activity 1: Controversial Opinions Game Example of a card for a humanities class. As we come across new information, we tend to want to sort it into one of our existing schemas in a mental process known as assimilation. If you are open-minded, you will allow that person to justify his position without getting angry. Get your howevers outta here, too. During the plenary, the students generally mention how hard it is to defend a position they fundamentally disagree with: thats when we know that we have worked on their open-mindedness. Example of a card for a humanities class. This requires actively looking for evidence that runs counter to our belief system and judging this evidence fairly without bias. You arent stubbornly glued to your opinions, Cultural Globalization (Examples, Pros, Cons) - AP Human Geo, Conflict Theory in Sociology: Assumptions and Criticisms. Your email address will not be published. Traveling can often challenge how open-minded we really are. Both schools of thought have pros and cons. Listening to your spouse, not just merely hearing, shows maturity and open-mindedness. Get inspired every week by discovering in, Emerging technologies and pedagogical approaches, General Education Components Extracts from programs leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DCS). Stanovich KE, West RF, Toplak ME. That's a growth mindset. Student reflections during a virtual exchange on linguistic borders. Many people have a fanatical devotion to their political choices. Reusable bags might be hurting the environment more than we think. Open- and closed-mindedness, belief-discrepant communication behavior, and tolerance for cognitive inconsistency. Your brains tricking you again. Soon, you will find yourself with lesser and lesser emotional baggage than most people, and only then will you be truly happy. Create beautiful reusable cards just as my colleague Sharon did using her students themes (. Exercising is a fabulous way to de-stress and get your mind off things. One more time, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to agree with the chosen subject, its even better if the student disagrees. Being open-minded allows you to explore new frontiers, discover new perspectives, and understand other peoples cultures and beliefs. Saying but in a conversation is a refusal to acknowledge that your conversation partners opinion can be just as valid as yours. Like a kid tampering with their report card to make a D look like a B before showing it to their parents, your brains always trying to hide the truth from you. Or it might provide insights that you hadnt considered before. Findings ways to overcome the confirmation bias can be a great way to cultivate an open mind. Older research does support this idea, suggesting that people who are closed-minded are less able to tolerate cognitive inconsistencies. PDF. Open-mindedness is the key to happiness. After a few minutes, students change roles so that everyone can try making an argument. Becoming more aware of our own biases is the first step to challenging them and becoming open to new ideas. Asking and answering the right questions is like getting signal on your phones GPS when youre lost. Today, were blessed to inherit a world where differences are respected. It also moderates the community with online help, professional development, and network activities. An open-minded person will not do this. You look at your mistakes from the perspective of others, 4. , Kim: Ok. Your brain prefers consistency over accuracy. 11 Activities that Promote Critical Thinking in the Class We have compiled a list of 11 activities that will facilitate you to promote critical thinking abilities in the students. It makes you less argumentative and more tolerant. It also manages support programs for research and international activities. In fact, this is a trait of the scientific method: if youre proven wrong, be happy about it it means youre about to learn something new! Researchers have found that giving participants false positive or false negative feedback about their performance on a task influenced how closed-minded they were about considering an alternative political opinion. If you find yourself getting lost in thoughts, bring your mind back to the current task, and try again.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'activif_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-activif_com-leader-3-0'); I saved the best for last because this one is my favorite, and I live by it. Over 5,000 subscribe. All you need is time (and on certain occasions binoculars). Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Even if you dont want to participate in other peoples way of life, you are open-minded enough to be okay with them sharing a society with you, so long as youre polite and kind to one another. Doing so: So get started by saying, You were right. The spiciest part of chili peppers isnt the seeds. Of course, open-mindedness has its limits. It is then possible to have an inverted debate in which each student must defend the opposite position. If your mind wanders, do not be judgmental. Yoga Practicing yoga and mindfulness is actually very similar. Being open to new ideas and experiences can sometimes lead to confusion and cognitive dissonance when we learn new things that conflict with existing beliefs. People who are more closed-minded are usually not receptive to other ideas. Being open-minded has a number of benefits. Even if you are an expert on a topic, try to keep in mind that the brain is much more imperfect and imprecise than most of us want to admit. Even though they lived thousands of kilometers apart, the issue of linguistic minority was frankly similar., 1. around these next two: Most of us have punched a wall out of frustration more recently than weve said those six words in that order. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. How much do I really know about the topic? In a more advanced group, I try to choose subjects for which students will not all have the same viewpoint: medically assisted death or legalisation of all drugs. Having an open mindset means being objective when you approach new things, listening to other points of view, and being willing to admit what you don't know. And try drinking out of a dirty glass to see if theres a difference. If the previous perspective exercise doesnt inspire you to be more open-minded, try this related thought exercise: Imagine the all-knowing being who created everything in the photo above appears next to you, leans over, and whispers, Hey, hate to break it to you but [insert any of your rigidly-held beliefs here] is wrong.. It is an adaptation by my colleague, Sharon Coyle, of an activity created by Sean Blanda. It is unfortunate that many times, we wrong people without meaning to. It takes a lot of mental effort, but you can train your brain to be more open-minded. I then invite students to find 3 to 5 arguments to defend the position that they will present to the rest of the group. In their mind, they should get what they want, all because they want it. If you want to train your mind to let go of all the thoughts, worries, obsessions, and to-do lists that it keeps sorting through, take some time out to do a bit of cooking or baking. True experts tend to actually be more humble about their knowledge; they know that there is always more to learn. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Knitting and crocheting both require a great deal of concentration and focus. The articles and information on this website should not be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Activif. 1. That is when the virtual exchange becomes interesting. The problem with that sort of quick-draw response is that you are acting in the heat of the moment, not taking the time to really consider all aspects of the problem, and probably not arguing all that effectively. When people feel that they are more knowledgeable or skilled in an area than other people, they are less likely to be open-minded. An open-minded person understands that life is not a bed of roses. These days, everyones a foodie. MIT Press. IT Reps work with teachers at their school to support the pedagogical integration of ICTs. I used to favor beer over wine whenever I had the choice, thinking wine was a pretentious waste of money. More publications related to the discipline. Why do they work? This bias leads people to overestimate their own knowledge of a topic, making them blind to their own ignorance. 4.9. As you encounter information, take a moment to consider how this bias might affect how you evaluate it. 9. It is why it is a mistakenot a crime. Open-mindedness involves being receptive to a wide variety of ideas, arguments, and information. The teacher finds a topic, ideally a current, controversial issue and asks students to take a stand for or against to finally have them defend the opposite position! 6 Mix up your routine. Watch the red dot with your peripheral vision. 1968;8(1, Pt.1):35-37. doi:10.1037/h0021238, Kemmelmeier M. The closed-mindedness that wasn't: need for structure and expectancy-inconsistent information. 2023 The Unconventional Route All Rights Reserved, 10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Ensure Your Lifes On the Right Track, how to keep an open mind (and be right more often), How to Keep an Open Mind (and Fend Off Wis-dumb): 11 Tips, The Step-by-Step Approach to Actually Change Someones Mind, Books That Change Your Thinking: 15 Books on 15 Different Topics, How to Expand Your Comfort Zone Into Your Potential, Expert Tricks and Tactics for Being a Better Active Listener, How I Easily Broke My Phone-Checking Addiction in 30 Days, My Plan to Pump Up My Life (and Yours) in 2023, The 7-Step Self-Improvement Plan That Works (If You Do). It is also focused on quietening the mind and focusing on each and every movement and stretch carefully. It is hard to quiet the mind and be present in the current moment when it seems like there is so much to do. In my opinion, for your own mental health, you should schedule a soak in the tub at least once a week. When you come across a cuisine or custom in another culture, your response might reveal how open-minded you are. Randomly hand out slips of paper that students can write opinions on. Compare your preferences to get a clear look at your minds biases. Being more open-minded means enjoying some useful and powerful benefits. Its close-minded, so get rid of your buts. Not sure Id eat it but thats really interesting! So if you think you know it all, chances are that you probably dont. Think Ski Creat. If you want to encourage others to be open-minded, avoid arguing and be respectful. For example, you might see someone else eating an organ of an animal (like a chicken leg, or cow liver) and be absolutely disgusted. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Their default position is that they are right, and the other party is wrong. Profwebs newsletter is the only newsletter that tells you whats happening in technology across the Quebec college network! 5. They might even learn from them. However, if you are an open-minded software engineer, you know this is an opportunity to make a program to help the hospital transition into the digital age. The more you engross yourself in the practice of birdwatching, the more you will be living in the moment mindfully. Get the blood flowing and work up a little bit of sweat with some easy mind-changers. Being open-minded enough to accept its happening is a good start. The AQPC (Association qubcoise de pdagogie collgiale) promotes the support and development of college educational mastery through gatherings and publications to foster the sharing of experience as well as the adoption of research results, pedagogical innovations and information technology. Watch how they move, notice their colors and markings. Open-mindedness can also involve asking questions and actively searching for information that challenges your beliefs. The subject of the VTT, carried out in collaboration with the University of Arizona, transcends all borders, be they physical, linguistic, imaginary, etc. Advanced level taste testing: Do two taste tests. 2015;61:131-138. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2015.08.003, Hunt MF, Miller GR. The mission of Vitrine Technologie-ducation (VT) is to promote and support integration of technology into postsecondary education. He is completing post-graduate studies in education and will be starting a PhD in the same field at the Universit de Sherbrooke. It does not imply that you must sympathize with every ideology. It is an adaptation by my colleague, Sharon Coyle, of an activity created by Sean Blanda. We need to regularly push the open door button on our mental elevators. You are okay that different people have different lifestyles, 12. Belief: Men should pee sitting down at home. Even if you consider yourself a fairly open-minded person, there are probably certain topics on which you take a much harder stance: Experiences that you are passionate about or social issues, for example. If it seems like you are readily accepting something because it supports your existing views, take a moment to consider some arguments that might challenge your ideas. Dont worry if you want to live mindfully, it doesnt have to be a torturous transition. 1. Listen to the Skeptoid one here. ). This personality trait shares many of the same qualities with open-mindedness,such as being willing to consider new experiences and ideas and engaging in self-examination. It also encompasses the belief that other people should be free to express their beliefs and arguments, even if you do not necessarily agree with those views. Its easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting.. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Lambie J. Either youre right, or youre wrong. What would change my mind: A study finding that news junkies in similar professions to mine are somehow better offwhether that be increased creativity, productivity, or improved social interactionsthan people like me who dont bother with the news. Make the effort to journey out of your comfort zone often. 2. (14) $2.50. Then use the templates to create a face. Here are 10 ways to help you develop into a more open-minded person: 1. For instance, the students had to find arguments for or against sensitive subjects such as the right to abortion or same sex marriages. Warm up your mind before opening it. It is an awareness of the. (Though my Lululemons are still the best sports shorts overall.) Journaling provides the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at your feelings and emotions and to write them down honestly without fear of being judged. Being open-minded allows people in leadership positions to look for creative solutions and rely on members of the group who have experience and expertise. Tolerance indicates that you understand why not all people can be what you want them to be. Being able to change and revise outdated or incorrect beliefs is an important part of learning and personal growth. The students will surely tell you that it is difficult to imagine what a person with an opinion contrary to their own will think. How Open-Minded ARE You? Open-mindedness involves respecting the perspectives, cultures, traditions and values of others. To journal effectively, you have to be 100% present and really take a look at how you are feeling. A closed-minded person takes a side and then stands for it. 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