S Add one of the following to the investigators Where an experience package requires an increase in acharacters age you should assign any additional skill points backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedarising from an increase in EDU prior to allocating the bo- with their experiences as a police officer.nus skill points granted by the package. The duties of the butler will vary to according to the requirements of his employer. bakes wonderful cakes, can make a 8. Ride or Fighting).about anything! glars, assassins and kidnappers. 1. If the skill-user observes whatever function the item might serve.another culture from within for a time, or works from ac-curate records concerning an extinct culture, then simple If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shepredictions can be made about that cultures ways and mor- could destroy the item, believing it to be cursed; alterna-als, even though the evidence may be incomplete. 10. and provide desired functionality. Skills: Art/Craft (any), History or Natural World, one The work habits of authors vary widely. 45 9 50 10 The decision was made to divorce Luck from POW since 55 11the latter is of great significance elsewhere in the game. Some entries group related occupations; for example Bank Robber, Bootlegger, Burglar, Conman, Forger/Counterfeiter, and Assassin are all listed under the Criminal occupation. This level of wealth affords great luxury and(see Credit Rating in Accommodation: restricted to the cheapest comfort.Chapter 5: Skills). Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), History, Occult, Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry).Students tend to be younger characters Union Activist Union activists are organizers, leaders and sometimes either visionaries or malcontents with an axe to grind, normally a friend to the workers and an enemy of the bosses. Access to all manner ofarises. Many their experiences as junior officers and ordinary patrolmen.aviators learned to fly during the Great War and as a resultstill hold commissions as officers in the Army, Navy, Ma- The uniformed police officer is employed by cities andrines, or Coast Guard. Researchers other skill as a personal or era specialty. Morans Air Rifle fire 1 shot per round. Dreamer (e.g. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. In these days, oil may be as good as gold. stole money from them, informed 10. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 950 89investigator's handbook Suggested Contacts: Other scientists and academics, sergeant (in U.S. terms). 95 19 100 20 We considered the option of associating a characteris-tic with each skill (as with Dodge and DEX) but decidedagainst this approach. the trunk of artifacts to safety. Download. In some cases, the secretary pretty much Stealth, Survival and two of the following: First Aid,ran their managers lives, organizing their vacations, buying Mechanical Repair or Other Language.presents for their children and wives, and generally coveringtheir bosses back. personal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as personal or era specialty. All television and film work will be supervised by a evident. Col. Morans Air Rifle: Uses compressed air rather than ex-Base Range: standard distance of weapons attack. 8. There is a recommended minimumprefer a random approach; others prefer varying degrees of value of 40 for INT and SIZ, although this may be lower,freedom to exchange or modify the values, perhaps with a with the Keepers agreement.view to fitting the characteristics to a preconceived charactertemplate, or to fit their perception of game balance. Burglar see Criminal Butler/Valet[Lovecraftian] Occupations important in Lovecrafts stories. A playermay spend skill points to purchase any skill specialization.The generic skill cannot be purchased. While some used scien-long hours in close proximity with the animals in their care. 8. Each option has some (choose rather than roll):examples to get you started. Suggested Contacts: Bibliographers, book dealers, li- braries and universities, clients. while under cover. A non-player character (NPC) in the game. Usually a person with an apprecia- small conversion to a privatetive eye and a swift mind, who frequently finds mordant orcontemptuous humor in the foolishness of the ignorant, the house or a multi-millionpompous, and the greedy. A valet or ladys maid pro- vides personal services, such Butlers do more than as maintaining her employer's fetch tea and hang up clothes, running baths and ef- fectively acting as personal assis- coats 73investigator's handbooktant. Skills: Art/Craft (Carpentry, Welding, Plumbing, etc. Skills: Accounting, Electrical Repair, Listen, Mechanical Private Investigator Repair, Navigate, Pilot (Aircraft), Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty. Looking through old accounts, one could see howLocksmith (01%) money was gained or lost in the past (grain, slave-trading,Machine Gun (10%)see Firearms whiskey-running, etc.) Before writing these resuts onto the sheet, decide Give your investigator a name andthe age of the investigator: write in their age, sex, occupation, current residence and where they grew-up.AGE MODIFIERS The blank box provides a space for your15-19 Deduct 5 points from STR or SIZ, and also from investigators portrait (if you are using a EDU. Psychoanalysis is barely of their homes or go on extended buying trips, making profitknown in the U.S., and its basis in sexual life and toilet train- on reselling to urban stores.ing is felt to be indecent. Getting noticed is hard and thengetting a recording contract is also difficult. Chauffeur see Driver Clergy, Member of the[Classic] Occupations only available in the Classic 1920s Computer Programmer/Technician/Hacker [Modern]period. Commonly skilled in hunting and fishing, and able to be self-sufficient Suggested Contacts: Club owners, musicians union, in all but the harshest of environments. Taxis are requiredto be fitted with approved meters, periodically checked by Credit Rating: 1030the citys taxi board. Guns are Equipment among theequipment The final step is to write down any important a gangster items, weapons or equipment your investigatorinvestigator possesses. Accidents personality defers to personal honor. Expect dard. what do you blame them? Many clergy (not just Catholic Priests) bear witness toconfessions and, though they are not at liberty to divulge Hackersuch secrets, they are free to act upon them. Antique Dealer Archaeologist [Lovecraftian]Creating Occupations Architect ArtistUse the listed occupations as a guide when creating ones not Asylum Attendantlisted here. busy city). 6. Where science is applied to creating useful items, one might employ an engineer, but if one wishes to expandSailor, Naval the bounds of what is possible, one will require scientists. personal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Occult, Other Language, Science (As- The 1920s is, of course, the Jazz Age, and musicians work tronomy), any one* other skills as a personal or erain small combos and dance orchestras in large and medium- specialties.sized cities and towns across America. Take the result and rifle, the hidden knife in your boot).make it specific and personal to your investigator. jewelry, a photograph in your wallet, a letter). Some entries group Book Dealerrelated occupations, for example Bank Robber, Bootlegger, Bootlegger see CriminalBurglar, Conman, Forger/Counterfeiter and Assassin are all Bounty Hunter Boxer/Wrestlerlisted under the Criminal occupation. Sometimes coming up with background details on the fly Second, it can be called upon during the investigator can be difficult. personal or era specialty. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Prospector Credit Rating: 1040Though the days of the California Gold Rush and the Ne-vada Comstock Lode are long gone, the independent pros- Suggested Contacts: Psychological community, patients.pector is still a feature of the American West. Hit men are the cold-blooded killers of the underworld. Harvey is 42 years old, so his MOV is Many of the skills remain unchanged and the values canreduced by 1 to 6. Your characterof school for some reason? They work around the clock, on shifts lasting Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4several days, eating, sleeping and entertaining themselveswithin the confines of the fire station. Other countries also see such fringe religions springing up wherever there Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, trade contacts, are those in need of something to believe in. Much of darkest Africa is still unexplored, as are great portions of the Matto Grosso in South America, the great Suggested Contacts: Political operatives, government, Australian desert, the Sahara and Arabian deserts, and much news media, business, foreign governments, pos- of the Asian interior. poker-faced, try 7. are similar to soldiers in background, training and skills. turn leading to a successful criminal prosecution. For the purpose of determining G (R/S): Rifle/Shotgun increased damage weapons are divided into two groups: G (SMG): Submachine Gun impaling and non-impaling. Weaving in anEntities may be written in during play. LAW: Light Antitank Weapon, disposable.Malfunction (Mal): if die roll result equal to or higher thanthe firing weapons malfunction number, the shooter does Mace spray: Do not use the point-blank range rule for thisnot merely missthe weapon does not fire. ArchaeologySample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: being also helps identify written forms of extinct human lan-attacked or imprisoned by the people studied, due to some guages.perceived transgression of their laws or social mores; suf-fering severe side-effects as the result of being involved in aceremony which involved ingesting psychotropic plants. Credit Rating: 920Drifter Suggested Contacts: Customers, businesses, law en-As opposed to someone who is poverty-stricken, the drifters forcement and general street level life.wandering life is chosen, perhaps compensating for a social,philosophical or economic lack, or perhaps taken due to a Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, Listen, one interpersonaldesire to break free of societal constraints. Some are Skills: Art/Craft (any), Climb, Jump, Listen, Locksmith assigned to specific beats like the police station, the sports or Sleight of Hand, Navigate, Stealth, any one other scene or business. Adjust the following for theinvestigator:S Increase Cthulhu Mythos skill to level agreed with Keeper (suggested 1D10+5).62chapter 3: creating investigators 63investigator's handbookQuick Reference: Investigator Generation1Determine Characteristics 7Additional Background & Roll 3D6 multiplied by 5 for the characteristics STR, CON, Portrait DEX, APP, and POW. Some workthrough an initial period of basic training. The investigator has served in one of the Armed Forces dur- 7. Usually maledown bail jumpers, bounty hunters may freely cross statelines in pursuit of their quarry and may show little regard a housekeeper would be the femalefor civil rights and other technicalities when capturing theirprey. Figure Hit Points (CON+SIZ divided by 10) and Luck (3D6 x 5). Organized along Credit Rating: 1040military lines, promotion through lieutenant, captain andchief is possible. Credit Rating: 565 Cult Leader Suggested Contacts: Other petty criminals, street-level America has always generated new religions, from the New law enforcement. His Hit pointsstatistics in the previous edition read as follows: In 7th edition, hit points are derived by adding CON + SIZSTR 4 DEX 12 INT 17 CON 14 and dividing by 10, rounding down. Usually self-employed, but may be the managerrunning the shop on behalf of the owner. the Keeper may add or amend a country and regularly went hunting background entry. Likewise,smuggling for the bootleggers could pay well; however the Natural philosophers who delve reality in the pursuit ofrisks were high. All enlisted persons receive basic trainingboot campwhere raw recruits are taught how to march, shootSecretary and salute. Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness,Professor [Lovecraftian] physicians and possibly legal professions.Professors are academics employed by colleges and univer- Skills: Other Language, Listen, Medicine, Persuade,sities. gentlemens club, local highly creative). Take the result andconsidered that your character has a child, but why not? An item connected with your highest skill (e.g. Diligence and an attention to detail means that With the introduction of talkies in the latter part of the most accountants can make good researchers, 1920s, many stars of the silent films era cannot cope with the being able to support investigations through transition to sound. In some cases you may not with, their income level and who they need all eight skills to adequately represent the occupation; are likely to know. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. doctors Consider your investigators backstory and pick the one en- bag, car, lock picks). Although many most live and die by commission, using hard sales tacticssailors serve in the traditional roles of Boatswains Mate to gain the confidence of a potential buyer and not caringor Fireman rating (ships engine man), the Navy also has whether their sale is affordable or not. 92chapter 4: occupations 93Chapter Five Skills "Don't move," he cautioned, "for in these rays we are able to be seen as well as to see. In modern times, the drug trade has overtaken otherforms of organized crime to be the most lucrative route for Gentlemanmany. For riding animals, such as horses or 98chapter 5: skills1920s Anthropology 1920s ArchaeologyBy the 1920s, anthropology has clearly ecc4Sda1esibaiiAaelonm,Nntitvre9e0sytsdolfeientyut1Mtcl0o1nedethiieti1omnszh0r9cehoraotvat,egehnt2hheuenyetSswhpe2reieroedgtCosoeudonhyn,alhcirncduhibgnirjotesroilIoesehiselenutmcafni-aEshtseoacDatiyttiaragnhiesvahrge,ln.aayirPoceinoentnyrtdpnhrnahd,phos.ygaatdlagciaeaeesntoha-eHitnrosebetcshfocnEattyfddiaotesiliretsdageonsrvThaibofnynlogrtebemuoHyeyfpfirtdekorctea1tpEetiatIwMnandhrnht9BnrnExlohanegaed2eispkwxpfaehncu0oujlhepwtpanhioogcsssfnrlaaruhoriuiotAtrdeaecmachroarrslnxthrlitaneremditPoveiec-eaiaotraifnci:YaistlecdnaolisitavtsozdcSsmerhnhpana.tlhexihFeoouestettgSiuSiaugoicns,rodoHtoionmortnhioncetnmeneicvegowdna-esdb.di-le-l.-,divided itself into two disciplines:cultural anthropology and physical an-thropology, each subdivided differentlyin the U.S and in Europe. 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