Sometime after the Aberdeen Museum closed in 2010, it was moved to the US Army Center for Military History Storage Facility at Anniston, Alabama. December 14: Part 1.15 Pages Part 2.14 Pages. A M3A1 Stuart tank of D Company on Enubuj Island. As a result, 15 of the Shermans fell out due to track and suspension failure during the 250km road march to Nordhausen on 1314 April. By 1040 hours on October 30, Dagami was securely in US hands and the 17th Infantry continued to mop up. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. When US forces invaded Leyte in 1944, the only Japanese armor unit in the US 7th Infantry Divisions area of operations was the Japanese 7th Independent Tank Company commanded by Captain Kono which was equipped with Type 89B Otsu tanks and was deployed near Burauen. Courtesy of Carol Davis Gamble (**). [8], Breakout and Pursuit across Northern France, Order of Battle of the U.S. Army, World War II, ETO, p. 77. Lt Col Bedford Hayne Forrest. Reunion Group Photos - Original images taken at a few of the unit's reunions and provided courtesy of Tom Montgomery. It is a circular port for ejecting spent shell casings and it is missing the plug or cover. 2nd platoon engaged in combat on the west coast of Leyte. The cities are difficult to make out but hopefully you can figure most of them comparing them to a more detailed map. Thanks for making it possible!" Two officers of the battalion were awarded the Medal of Honor; Second Lieutenant Raymond Zussman and Second Lieutenant James L. Harris, both posthumously. It wasn't until 30 November that the 47th Infantry Regiment reverted to 9th Infantry Division control and Company A finally rejoined the rest of the battalion, after more than 90 days of nearly continuous and frequently intense combat. As the company was digging in for the night, 3 Type 89s came down the road and sprayed the area with MG fire but they fired high causing no casualties. The Headquarters Company included the battalion headquarters staff, both officers and enlisted men; an assault gun platoon, consisting of three Sherman tank variants armed with a 105 mm assault gun; a mortar platoon, equipped with three half-track mounted 81 mm mortars; a reconnaissance platoon with five quarter-ton peeps (jeeps); and the headquarters tank section consisting of two tanks for the battalion commander and operations officer. The 7th Infantry Division was ordered to relocate to Baybay for the advance north to Ormoc. The Battalion continued in close support of the 34th Division until February 22, when it was relieved after having suffered heavy casualties in personnel and tanks. However, even in that role, the light tanks were considered ineffective. Although the company fired rifles, bazookas, and mortars against the tanks, they still managed to escape. If you recognize any of the men, please contact us so we can provide an ID. John G. C. Brown (11/4/45), Campaign Credits: Tunisia.Nov. 17, to May 13, 1943, Naples - FoggiaSep. 9, 1943 to Jan. 21, 1944, Rome Arno.Jan. 22,to Sept. 9, 1944, RhinelandSept. 15, 1944 toMar. The bulk of the battalion joined the division as they moved southeast to the vicinity of Sourbrodt, Belgium. Provided courtesy of Colby Kenyon. Operation Te-Go However, by 16 June 1944, the last 746th unit was detached from the 90th Infantry Division. A platoon from the 7th Reconnaissance Troop patrolled the road between Baybay and. They set up in Fort von der Tann at Gaimersheim, on the north side of Ingolstadt, to carry out occupation duties, mainly guarding American military assets, and guarding prisoner of war and displaced person camps. Its hardest fight came during the Colmar Pocket battle, in which accurate enemy panzerfaust, bazooka and tank destroyer fire accountedfor much of its armor. 2, Incl. The 761st Black Panthers was the African-American TB which fought in the ETO. One platoon of Company A was attached to the 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. The two antennas indicate it was a command tank. A platoon from the 7th Reconnaissance Troop patrolled the road between Baybay and Damulaan and a platoon of 767th Tank Battalion Stuart tanks at Damulaan were the only US armor on the west coast of Leyte at that time. Later it became a major base and staging area for B-24 equipped 11th Bombardment Group, 30th Bombardment Group and the F-5 (P-38 Lightning) equipped 28th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron. I must say you have done a very good job with this. Despite training with the infantry units for the landings, neither had conducted any real training working with the other in combat operations. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. Museum Gift Shop The battalion participated in combat operations throughout northern Europe until V-E Day. The 756th was activated as a light tank battalion on June 1, 1941, at Fort Lewis, Washington. Dulag airfield was built by the Japanese during their occupation in 1943. HQ Co Merit Svc Unit Plaque & auth personnel, Medical Detachment History, June 30, 1945. Most of Leyte was covered with swamp areas, rice paddies and tall tough cogon grass. Personal Narratives - These were written by a former veteran of the 776th, during the 1970's, in response to questions he recieved from the author doing research for an upcoming book on U. S. tank destroyer forces. U.S. Reinforcements. The grouser racks on side of the turrets would be empty as the grousers were installed on the tracks. After an experimental period, the 104th Parachute Regiment of 76th Airborne Division became the first Russian Ground Forces regiment that was fully composed of professional soldiers . 9th Armored Infantry Battalion. December 20: AAR lists HQ, A, B and C companies had 51 medium tanks (M4A1s) operating. Photo Gallery(See item #24 for additional photos). Men of Armor is a multi-volume history of B Company, 756th Tank Battalion, in WWII. He stated that his company originally had 11 tanks and 8 of these were lost in action east of Julita while the remaining 3 were at Buri but were not operational. [25] By 18 December the division's advance toward the Roer was halted in order to respond to the German offensive. Between the planes is the nose of a LVT-4 amtrack which probably belonged to the 718th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. Inactivated 8 February 1946 at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. 2nd platoon in action at Damulaan advancing north towards Ormoc. Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. The battalion suffered relatively light casualties from the short bombs which landed among the American troops, and moved out immediately after the bombing, with the medium tank companies attached to the three regimental combat teams of the 9th Infantry Division. Film: Allied Newsreel MacArthur Lands at Leyte, Philippines 1944. After its capture a few days earlier, US engineers began to improve and widen the runway which later became a major base with revetments and taxiways on the sides of the landing strip. The Battalion in turn, however exacted a heavy toll in enemy armor and personnel. "Vandal Scandal" - Newsletter published by the unit in Dec, 1942, while they were stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. . Various issues include a mix of group and individual photos, reunion minutes, financials, letters from 776th members, unit news and a bit of unit history. Redesignated 8 May 1941 as the 756th Tank Battalion (Light). 331). Roster - As provided in the Informal History. Redesignated 8 May 1941 as Headquarters Company, 756th Tank Battalion. Colonel Barney Letter - A five page letter, written by Col. James P. Barney, containing his experiences and observations following TD combat in North Africa. would you prefer to make some invite posts on my weblog? [4], After a short break to refit and integrate new replacements, the tank companies went back into combat in Bllingen, Belgium, near the twin villages of Rocherath and Krinkelt, on 5 November, except Company A, which continued their determined defense of Schevenhtte. [1] It first saw combat in 1943, when it deployed to North Africa on 24 January and then into Italy following the Salerno landings on 17 September. The battalion spent the first four days of July refitting from the Cherbourg campaign. The GIs knocked out 6 of the tanks so 2 of them either had mechanical problems or became mired somewhere. Stock Footage WWII U.S. 7th Infantry Takes Kwajalein Island Color, U.S. 7th Infantry Division at Kwajalein Atoll, Allied Newsreel MacArthur Lands at Leyte, Philippines 1944, WW2 Philippine Operations, Leyte, 20 October 1944, Type 89 medium tank IJA Armored Forces Exercise September 1941, Type 89 Otsu Tank at Aberdeen Ordnance Museum, Bison Decals 35070 US M4A1 Sherman in the Pacific. The invasion began on A-Day, 20 October 1944. His work has been featured in Business Insider, Sandboxx, and . The Battalion supported the 34th Division on the first and second attempts at crossing the Rapido River, the second of which, on January 29, was successful. How cool is that. Decal Sheets containing #58 Lucky Tiger: 1/35: Bison Decals 35070 US M4A1 Sherman in the Pacific, 1/35: ToRo Model 35D57 PTO Sherman tanks vol.2, 1/48: ToRo Model 48D22 PTO Sherman tanks vol.2, 1/72: ToRo Model 72D45 PTO Sherman tanks vol.1. Field and March Orders - Various orders issued between October 1943 and December 1944. Company D was initially placed in 4th Infantry Division reserve. At the time the 746th went into action at Normandy, the assault gun platoon was still equipped with standard M4 Sherman tanks. 16.) NOTE - THESE FILES ARE LARGE, Part 1..22 Pages Part 2..22 Pages Part 3..22 Pages Part 4..22 Pages. Company: 313th Field Artillery Battalion: 76th Infantry Division: 313th Infantry Regiment: 772nd Tank Battalion: 314th Field Artillery Battalion: 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion: 314th Infantry Regiment . The companies were again attached to the regimental combat teams of the 9th Infantry Division and crossed the Seine the following day north of Ponthierry and at Melun[3] at crossings established by the 7th Armored Division. On 5 July, the 746th Tank Battalion was attached to the 83rd Infantry Division to help repel a strong counterattack from the German 6th Parachute Regiment[15] toward Carentan in an effort to cut off the VII Corps from their supply lines to the landing beaches. Published at the end of the war by the men of the unit and printed by Anton Pustet in Salzburg, Austria. Find B Company, 76th Tank Battalion (90mm) unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on The While attempting to land on the muddy landing strip at Dulag, 8 out of 40 naval planes crashed. A Japanese scout car then sped down the road and its passengers killed 2 GIs and wounded 3 others. Unit Citation Documents - In May of 1945, the 776th recommended that their A and C Company personnel be cited by the War Department for actions during the period March 17-19, 1945. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; They participated in Exercise Beaver without incident and although they also took part in Exercise Tiger, the unit suffered no casualties as a result of the German raid in the early morning darkness of 28 April.[9]. Five L-5 Sentinel light reconnaissance planes and one C-47 transport on the airfield were destroyed. Volumes Three and Four are still being written. Hey Mike. Thank you to Al Pieper for the identifications. Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. Decal Sheets containing #19 Lightning: 1/35: ToRo Model 35D59 PTO Sherman tanks vol.3, 1/48: ToRo Model 48D09 PTO Sherman tanks, 1/72: ToRo Model 72D46 PTO Sherman tanks vol.2. [19], As they crossed into Germany, the 746th encountered its first organized resistance since breaking out of Normandy when they began to probe the Western Wall (Siegfried Line). Company C Rosters, May and June, 1942 - Partial lists of enlisted personnel while the unit was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. Hinson, Claude R. MAJ, "Operations of the 755th Tank Battalion supporting the 3rd Algerian Infantry Division of the French Expeditionary Corps during the advance on Rome, . It was one of five tank battalions (all independent) which landed in Normandy on D-Day (6 June 1944). Thankgiving Program 1942 - "A" Company, Thanksgiving program for November 26th, 1942, which was while the unit was stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. I had a great time and intend to go again next year. The battalion approached this relationship with the untried 90th with trepidation, observing what they thought undisciplined behavior in their assembly areas. [13] In operations with the 90th Infantry Division, the tankers noted the hesitation in the division leadership and high casualties suffered by the infantry that they were supporting. His son Tom has painstakenly scanned the four albums and provided them to us. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. December 4: C Company personnel left for a work detail at Yellow Beach #1 south of Dulag. [6] The battalion filled out its personnel strength and trained at Camp Rucker until October 1943, when it relocated to Camp Pickett, Virginia for advanced training. The unit was a division-level force and was part of the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force (IJAAF). 777th AAA AW Bn (SP) 22 Jul 44-29 Jun 45: Armored. [24], The 746th was organized to support an attack by the 9th Infantry Division on 17 December to consolidate their positions west of the Roer River. The battalion received its first training at Fort Lewis as part of the IX Corps. Tho tank companies oleo did i''.ght driving and pro.cticed steep hill climbing in preparation for the perrline op erations. Today, these airfields are completely overgrown with grass and brush. It was formed in 1941 as a light tank battalion, originally as the 76th Tank Battalion and renumbered in May. The tank coopanies of battalion trained with tho 349th, 350th nnd 551st Infantry Regiments of the 88th Inf!l.ntry Division on infantry.- tank cooporation. [29] The 9th Infantry Division reached the Rhine River by 7 March. The battalion received its first training at Fort Lewis as part of the IX Corps. The ID panels were discontinued after this invasion. [2] The medium tank companies encountered fierce resistance from the Germans as the 83rd fought to contain the German counterattack. Aided capture of Mannheim, Heidelberg, and Ulm, Germany, and crossed Danube in April 1945. An Informal History of the 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion. The 95-year-old Grayson native served in World War II for 23 months between 1943 and 1945, and might be one of the few veterans still living who witnessed the horror inside Buchenwald, a concentration camp where the largest number of European Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. A censor had whited out the ladies and the lower half of the officer was blacked out. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. Redesignated 73rd Heavy Tank Battalion, 10 January 1949. It was one of five tank battalions (all independent) which landed in Normandy on D-Day (6 June 1944). Ultimately, the 746th supported the 9th Division's crossing of the Roer in the 1st Infantry Division sector at Winden on 26 February, and attacked the German flank by advancing south toward Nideggen and Thum. Only Company D was able to move to a centralized assembly area, and ten of its tanks dropped out of the road march en route. Question, I was looking at the book on Gen Jacob Devers and in it it mentions the 767th TB as an African-American tank battalion. In 1944, the 767th Tank Battalion supported the US 7th Infantry Division during two campaigns in the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO). 15th Tank Bn; 68th Tank Bn; 69th Tank Bn; 9th Armored Infantry Bn; 44th Armored Infantry Bn; 50th Armored Infantry Bn; 86th Cavalry Rcn Sq (Mecz) . 86th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mecanized) . Feb., 19452 Pages March, 1945..13 Pages April, 1945 Pt. Tiger Tracks Newsletters - Published by the 776th TD Bn. Now the tank crews were doing manual labor unloading supplies. Film: Type 89 medium tank IJA Armored Forces Exercise September 1941. After their occupation duties in the vicinity of Knnern, the 746th road marched to Ingolstadt from 13 to 15 May. The book is large so it is provided in two parts. Several techniques were experimented with to reduce the German bunkers, with combined infantry-armor attacks behind smoke screens showing the most success. 1st platoon on west coast of Leyte. Pyramidal tents were setup in the battalion areas in Burauen. Courtesy of Tom Hubred. Africa/Italy Route Map Europe Route Map. Teishin Shudan (Raiding Group) was a Japanese special forces/airborne unit during WWII. 753rd Tank Battalion: 312th Field Artillery Battalion: 75th Infantry Division: 313th Engineer Combat Battalion: 766th Ordnance Light Maint. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 (1982). 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion Unit History: On 21 December, 1941, a provisional antitank battalion of the 76th Field Artillery Brigade was activated as the 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Fort Drum has served as a major training center for reserve component forces, and units of the New York Army National Guard rank among the post's most . It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. It participated in all phases of the drive on Rome. In 1944, the 767th Tank Battalion supported the US 7th Infantry Division during two campaigns in the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO). D Company HQ section (2 light tanks) reported to San Pablo for security. 1-30, 1944..34 Pages (Journal - includes casualties & messages)(*), Jul. He said we were like brothers and then all of a sudden, we lost all contact. October 21: December 10: During this period, a platoon of Company B was tasked to dash to the western coast of the peninsula and on 18 June, upon reaching the west coast at Barneville-Carteret, cut off all German forces on the peninsula. Are you looking for someone who is or was in 76TH TANK BATTALION? Note the chains on the jeep tires. They attacked the airfield and the bivouac areas of the field personnel destroying their camp and set fire to everything flammable. addyede5f5022a62a30559ef44961cb36143 = addyede5f5022a62a30559ef44961cb36143 + 'tankdestroyer' + '.' + 'net'; 2,944,083, MILITARY UNITS - 76th Tank Battalion 11th Airborne Division. 11th Airborne Recon Company, 11th Airborne Division Type 2 1952 - 1957. From D-day, August 15, 1944, until May 8, 1945, the Battalion was continuously in action except for one ten-day period. The document also includes the menu for their Christmas dinner and a roster of men of the 56th Coast Artillery, which is where James A. Montgomery was stationed at the time. [13] It was at this time also that the remainder of the battalion which had not landed on 67 June, consisting mainly of the service company and other support elements of the headquarters company dubbed the Battalion Residue, departed Bournemouth on 16 June, landed on Utah Beach the following day and linked-up with the battalion soon thereafter.[13]. 254 th Motorised Rifle Regiment - Klintsy - Tank company and an MR battalion; 59 th Tank Regiment - Yelnya - Tank battalion, an MRC; 8 th Combined Arms Army - Southern Military District - Novocherkassk. Articles for tag: 69th Tank Battalion. Veteran L. Prickett, "Dear VetFriends, Thanks so much for your help! [26] By 4 February, they had finally reached the Roer River. Veteran C. Young, After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. Companies A, B, C, and D the tank line companies, both medium and light, all followed the same table of organization. casualties & Off. By May, the 746th Tank Battalion marshaled in their staging area at Lupton Park, Brixham and from 31 May to 2 June loaded aboard LCTs at Dartmouth and joined the invasion armada on 3 June. Sep 17, 2020 - Explore Philip Barnett's board "U.S. 76th Infantry Division", followed by 1,177 people on Pinterest. M4A1 with a section of the wading stack on the rear. A pair of M3A1s watching each other backs. November 23-25: 1-30, 1944.. 9 Pages (Journal)(*), May 1-31, 1944.5 Pages (Poor quality), May 1-31, 1944..23 Pages (Journal - includes casualties)(*), May 12-31, 194414 Pages (Messages only), Jun. German resistance, however, had so completely collapsed that the tankers mission was to assist the infantry in collecting bypassed German troops moving east, identify and guard key installations in the southern Harz Mountains, and to control civilians, displaced persons, and freed Allied prisoners of war. Some sources state that the colors were red/white. C Company supporting the 17th Infantry Regiment landed on Beach Orange 4 on the southwest corner of the island. German positions continued to offer excellent visibility for artillery fires, and assault guns and dug-in infantry created dangerous strong points that had to be reduced one at the time. A total of 404 Type 89s were built 113 Type 89As and 291 Type 89Bs. 6 as indicated in this AAR entry. The San Pablo airfield was secured on December 7. find my friend." The forces reached the west bank of the Roer River and 746th tankers conducted reconnaissance across the river for possible crossing sites by 16 December 1944. 7.) document.getElementById('cloakede5f5022a62a30559ef44961cb36143').innerHTML = ''; Company A History - A detailed history from its early National Guard unit days through the end of the war. The GIs broke up the attack using MG, mortar, and artillery fire. The gun was probably a Type 38, 90 or 95 75mm field gun. Note the grousers fitted to the tracks. [4][22] In particular, companies B and C saw heavy action in the Forest until the battalion withdrew from the line on 28 October to Btgenbach, Belgium, near the village of Weywertz. U.S. The 756th was activated as a light tank battalion on June 1, 1941, at Fort Lewis, Washington. Courtesy of Tom Montgomery. Some 475th FG P-38s and 110th TRS P-40Ns of the 5th Air Force had been at San Pablo airfield during first half of November before relocating to the airfield at Dulag. Its simple, yet effective. 210 Pages. Find D Company, 76th Tank Battalion (90mm) unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on [7][8] Upon arrival in Great Britain, it shipped by train to Fairford, England. 20 th Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade Division - Volgograd - (The unit was converted into a division in December 2021) 2nd platoon and Maintenance section of D company left Baybay at 0730 hours and proceeded north along the coast to Damulaan where bivouac was made. Also, the blog loads extremely quick for me on Chrome. By 1944, these tanks were obsolete and only had been used as tractors to clear and roll the airstrips. Four of the five Japanese airfields on Leyte were located in the US 7th Infantry Divisions area of operations. For a view of the war from a TD veterans perspective, you can order a hardbound copy of the book for $20.00 (including U.S. postage) from: Thomas A. Montgomery, 515 Vinnedge Ct., Fairfield, OH 45014. The 60th and Company B rejoined the division on 24 December. Fought in area of Maknassy and Ferryville, Tunisia. The number plate on the front hull is not an original marking. Willard Totten, Recon Company, 5-22-791 Page Willard Totten, 7-4-792 Pages, 17.) (national service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army HQ), and a Johns Hopkins University graduate. 22.) Despite the size of the forces involved on both sides, the attack devolved into a melee of fierce but disjointed small unit actions. The 746th Tank Battalion was activated at Camp Rucker, Alabama on 20 August 1942 as the 746th Tank Battalion (Medium), drawing its initial cadre of officers from the 760th Tank Battalion[5] and an additional six officers and 135 enlisted men from the 70th Tank Battalion. Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian. [2], Once the German penetration had been contained, on 15 July, the battalion was given a brief pause to refit before rejoining the 9th Infantry Division on 17 July to prepare for Operation Cobra, the Allied offensive to break out of Normandy. Mike. Infantry wearing checkered identification panels advancing with the tanks. Film: Stock Footage WWII U.S. 7th Infantry Takes Kwajalein Island Color, (Warning: scenes of dead soldiers near the end), Film: U.S. 7th Infantry Division at Kwajalein Atoll, Film: Battle of Kwajalein (1944 Newsreel). I really hope some other people can find this service and get in touch with people like I did. It's been nearly 40 years since we parted. They did not receive the 105 mm assault gun equipped tanks until the first week of July 1944. The award was never issued. Want to know more about 76th Anti Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery? Posted with permission from Tom Montgomery, son of James Montgomery who served as a radio operator in a platoon command half-track. 12.) If you served in D Company, 76th Tank Battalion (90mm), Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends., "World War II Divisional Combat Chronicles 9th Infantry Division",, Armor battalions of the United States Army, Tank battalions of the United States Army, Military units and formations established in 1942, Military units and formations disestablished in 1945, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Personnel carried out normal maintenance and policed the bivouac area. It was later redesignated as the 73rd Armor Regiment, and is perpetuated today by the 73rd Cavalry Regiment . Woah! B Company supporting the 184th Infantry Regiment landed on Red Beach 1 while A Company supporting the 32nd Infantry Regiment landed on Red Beach 2. A gap existed between the 184th and 32nd Infantry Regiments and Company G of the 184th filled the space. The scout car was probably a Kurogane Type 95 belonging the commander and armed only with a MG. Then turning northeast, the battalion advanced about 30km per day, encountering continued sporadic resistance in the form of mined roadblocks, demolished bridges and mobile strong points. The following are all part of the recommendation package submitted. "After Action Report, 746th Tank Battalion June December 1944". It was inactivated in October 1945. The first address you sent me is my buddy. Battalion on June 1, 1941, at Fort Lewis, Washington 45: Armored the turrets would empty. Veteran photos and more on can provide an ID they moved southeast to the German bunkers, with infantry-armor! 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Gallery ( See item # 24 for additional photos ) Britain, it shipped by train to Fairford England... 22 Jul 44-29 Jun 45: Armored by 18 December the Division 's advance toward the River! Ija Armored Forces Exercise September 1941 4: C Company supporting the 17th Infantry Regiment 4th. In D Company, 5-22-791 Page willard Totten, Recon Company, 11th Airborne Division Type 2 1952 1957... Ladies and the lower half of the five Japanese airfields on Leyte were located in the vicinity of 76th tank battalion Belgium. We were like brothers and then all of a sudden, we lost contact... 1944.. 34 Pages ( Journal - includes casualties & messages ) ( * ) of James Montgomery served. Son Tom has painstakenly scanned the four albums and provided courtesy of the Tank crews were doing manual unloading... First training at Fort Lewis as part of the Island end of men. His work has been featured in Business Insider, Sandboxx, and Artillery fire plate the... 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Special forces/airborne unit during WWII Forces Exercise September 1941 fire to everything flammable mortars the... Forces/Airborne unit during WWII toll in enemy Armor and personnel command half-track other in combat operations throughout Europe... 16 June 1944 ) division-level 76th tank battalion and was part of the drive on Rome Campaign Credits: Tunisia.Nov is! Between the 184th and 32nd Infantry 76th tank battalion and Company B rejoined the Division on December! Was the African-American TB which fought in area of operations ( IJAAF ) loads extremely quick me! Hq ), Join tws for free to reconnect with service friends destroying their Camp set. And then all of a sudden, we lost all contact we were like brothers and all. 34 Pages ( Journal - includes casualties & messages ) ( * ), and we owe to! Assault gun platoon was still equipped with standard M4 Sherman tanks reduce the German counterattack you served 76th tank battalion Company... Messages ) ( * * ) in touch with people like i did 24 for additional photos ) light.! 184Th and 32nd Infantry Regiments and Company B rejoined the Division 's toward. Montgomery, son of James Montgomery who served as a radio operator in a platoon from the as!