In time several du Ponts would become senators and even governor of the state of Delaware. But I hadnt been able to tie the Society in with the Illuminati-until I stepped up my research on the duPonts. There were also nearby stone quarries to provide needed building materials.[8]. He was on Delawares State Board of Education, 1919 21 . The DuPonts also went Into the chemical business. Victor Marie and his father pursued grandiose schemes that tailed miserably, Eleuthre lrne DuPont started a gunpowder business in Delaware. Three of the grandest - Longwood, Winterthur, and Nemours - are in close proximity and excellent options for a spring daytrip or weekend getaway. Others resided in a chateau modeled after the palace where Marie Antoinette hung out. Is there any chance this could lead to prison time? The family remained in control of the company up through the 1960s,[9] and family trusts still own a substantial amount of the company's stock. Jr. (Sen. 1971- ) CFR, Trilateral Commission, also on the Rep. Nat. Samuel and Annes son was Pierre Samuel du Pont. Vilniuje, 10 minui psiomis nuo Gedimino pilies bokto, sikrusiame viebutyje ibis Vilnius Centre" yra bendras poilsio salonas ir restoranas, visose patalpose veikia nemokamas belaidis. It is hard to read the history of America since 1800 without running into du Ponts. Creative Commons License. high ranking Freemason, Charles C. Stockley (Gov. From the Rockefellers to the Pulitzers, these billion-dollar families have kept their wealth alive for centuries. A building was built to house them. The article states that Boeing Defense and Space Group, Lockhead Aeronautical Systems Co., General Dynamics and DuPont and Hercules, Inc. are working together on aeronautics projects). THE NEXT GENERATION Pierre Samuels grandchildren. According to Schultz's brother, du Pont had simply driven up, asked the wrestler, "Do you have a problem with me?" T. Coleman duPont, went in business with President Tafts brother Charles P. (member of the Skull & Bones) in 1910 to build McAlpin Hotel in New York City. Trusted Writing on History, Travel, and American Culture Since 1949, Blood Relations: The Rise and Fall of the Du Ponts of Delaware, Atheneum 32 photographs, 448 pages, $15.00. DuPont saved GM from extinction after W.W.I and has watched over GM since. Beyond the 400 are 2,000 acreas that make up the estate. 1819-Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge of Delaware (also 1822, 1823, 1825, 1827), 1825 Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, John Collins (Gov. In humans, it's associated with consanguinity and incest, in which close relatives have sexual relationships and children. Further, I discovered in a forty volume set on American Statesmen in vol. John Dale wrote a book The Prince and The Paranormal which goes into the secret occult activities of the British royal family, especially Prince Charles, but also many other royal family members too. St. Simon, an Illuminatus, wanted to have a child with Madame de Stall which would become the anti-Christ. If it hadnt been for the honesty of the Enquirer (a Cincinnati paper not to be confused with todays national tabloid by the same name Enquirer) the public would not have learned what really had happened. Pierre Samuel was deist. Feb 16, 2017 It's a huge home in a small state. where he points the finger it powerful families as the culprits behind the drug trade. In the late '80s, heset up a training facilityonhis 800-acre estate, which he called FoxcatcherFarm. It is said they would kidnap poor children from poor villages, to serve as an offering to Satan and that many of the Dupont estates were eventually gifted to the cult, most of which now lie abandoned. I and was on board several ships. The type of genes that result in serious mental disorders. But their descendants? It's exclusive not because they want to keep others out, but to keep their inbreds locked in. The family is believed to trace back to the children's great-grandparents, who were brother and sister. Cuba, and Goodstay. Irving Saul Shapiro was chairman of the du Pont company. Anyway, the bottom line is that behind the scenes, all of the Governors since the 1920s have been approved by the duPonts. Socially and physically inept, he grew up to be a very strange man. DuPont is taking us into Brave New World. The name of the chemical company founded by the family is today styled solid as "DuPont" in the short form (but the long form is styled as E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company); the stylings "Du Pont" and "DuPont" for the company's short name coexisted in the 20th century, but the latter is now consistently used in the company's branding. I am convinced their power also run higher, but want mor information/research to bring it out to the open. United States v. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. "198 years in the gun business: A brief history of Remington Arms", "Company News; Du Pont Sells Remington Gun Maker", "DuPont and Bunge Announce Global Alliance, Including Joint Venture to Produce and Market Specialty Food Ingredients", "DuPont Acquires Full Ownership of Solae", "Timeline of major events in US Airways history", "How Loyalty to Customers Led to Storied Bank's Fall", Dominick Dunne's "Maternal Instinct" - Lisa Dean, greatgrandaughter of Lammont du Pont - murder for hire,, This page was last edited on 20 September 2022, at 01:12. Yet, my 1983 World Almanac (which lists in fine print about 1,300 associations) gives the membership of the Society of the Cincinnati at 2,800. At the other end of the scale is Charles II, King of Spain from 1665 to 1700, who was determined to be the 'individual with the highest coefficient of inbreeding', or the most inbred monarch. The 2014 Oscar-nominated film Foxcatcher, chillingly, was not so far off from the true story. The duPont family still maintains this fiction is true, although all the facts of the case are blatantly known, and were public knowledge to quite a number of people whose lives were involved with what actually happened. It is so detailed with so many names that I didnt want to confuse people with it. But the influence of French orthography and prerevolutionary class structure on how English orthography styles surnames today is outweighed by how families and individuals so named style themselves. Initially, Pierre was a watchmaker, but within a short time he attracted the attention of several top Illuminati for his ability to write good tracts, and articles that advocated various economic and political views that they wanted promoted. This could in theory explain the madness of John du Pong, despite being born decades after the inbreeding was put to an end. In 1910 dollars, the lowest estimate is $2 million, but the actual cost may easily have been several times that. A friend called my attention to Inside Editions television story on Lewis Dupont Smith, the heir to the $10 million fortune of the Du Pont Chemical Co. Lewis Dupont Smith is exposing his family. Jefferson arranged for the first gunpowder order (which was a government order) when the Du Ponts went into the gunpowder business. For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. Data on inbreeding in several contemporary human populations are compared, showing the highest local rates of inbreeding to be in Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel. Louisvilles main paper the Louisville Commercial gave the public a totally fictitious story about how Alfred Victor du Pont died, along with many pages of the highest praise. Perverted patriarch of the oddball clan Tim Colt ran an . Support with a donation>>. Du Pont by Joseph Frazier Wall. The first Pierre Samuel du Pont advocated marriage between cousins to ensure honesty of soul and purity of blood. Several generations later, the reigning patriarch was grumbling that the thinning of that pure blood by inbreeding was producing freaks. Without anything but the name I began my investigation. Lists about real people who crossed the ultimate line and what they didtheir histories, their motives, the grisly details, and what happened next. The duPont family had their share of heartaches, broken marriages, insanity, etc. Eliza Cazenove (Gardner was a sister to a du Pont. In the late 1960s, political enemies were able to attack the wealth of Ed Ball with new legislation and some investigation of the misuse of his money hidden in the foundations. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the presss coverage of them than the British Royal Family. Although rich, Fred was not willing to help support a distraught prostitute raise the child she was sure he had sired. Rise of The duPont Family.With an estimated fortune of 14.3 billion dollars, the du Pont family are among the most wealthy in North America. Below is an alphabetical listing of selected notable members of the family. It is very clear that the DuPont companies are being used in a big way to move us toward the New World Order. Benjamin Franklin, a key leader of several secret occult fraternal groups was also a close friend of Pierre Samuel. They were seen as equal to the Rockefeller and Vanderbilt family, and by the 1920s were Americas richest dynasty. If the duPonts were already one of the primary top families, it may well be Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. Inbreeding violates modern social norms but is fairly common in animals and plants. Theyre one of Hollywoods brightest starsand most troubled actors. He was one of the Freemasons involved in a high level meeting that used the U.S. Senate Chambers on Mar. It Was Catastrophic: Inside Prince Andrews Misguided Bid to Explain Away Epstein, In the wake of Jeffrey Epsteins arrest and apparent suicide, Prince Andrew moved from the fringe of a swirling underage-sex scandal toward its white-hot center. If you've seen the film Foxcatcher,you have some inkling. Not only are their Satanic activities deeply hidden, but even just the normal everyday sinfulness or human soap box drama of their lives is deeply hidden. Whether or not these trees are really sentient, rumors circulate endlessly about an old mansion that stands in the woods off of Cossart Road in Chadds Ford. Seeing themselves as special, there was a tendency for royals to only marry other royals. Only recently have scholars been permitted to poke around in family papers. Amid safety concerns, and anxiety over the fate of a $200 million movie, How Screwed Are Donald Trump and His Adult Children, and Other Questions You Might Have About the Staggering Fraud Lawsuit Against Them. There was one piece of equipment noticeably missing from FoxcatcherFarm's state-of-the-art training facility: the treadmill. He failed to get his family on the conspiracy charge. L.H eislerB all ( 190345,1 919-25) also served state treasurer Freemason. To quote Karl Schriftgiesser in his book Families, the Du Ponts of Delaware constitute a definite dynasty perhaps the most complete dynast ever establIshed in this republic an one which seems destined to continue its kingship for generations I come, Today there are seven hundred members of thi family Every time a package of cigarettes is opened, the simple tearing of the tab is a gesture of tribute to the Du Ponts, and every time a great gun booms, with whatever cost to life or property; it echoes merrily in the feudal stronghold of this mighty clan. The DuPonts obviously are in close cooperation with the elite involved with oil-because so many of their products are derivatives of petroleum products. Inbreeding is the process of mating genetically similar organisms. Forbes definitive ranking of the nations 50 wealthiest clans includes the heirs to some of the countrys best known brands: Campbells Soup, Jack Daniels, Walmart and Chick-fil-A. He was important lay person within the Episcopal church. Prussian Baron Anacharsis Clootz was also a Freemason and illuminatus. Horticulture is the main attraction of Mt. Went to Poland in 1774 at the request of King Stanislaus-Augustus [a Freemason] to organize a general system of national education. Although scholarly in appearance, it is what they dont say that can be so crucial to really understand the history of the du Pont family. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. On Jan. 1, 1900, the DuPont tribe celebrated. Sec. Du Pont Heir Gets No Prison Time for Raping 3-Year-Old Daughter By Kia Makarechi March 31, 2014 Robert Richards IV was in 2009 convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter, seven years after. CREEPY pictures have revealed life inside the "world's most inbred family" - showing a dad dressed as Santa and the clan's squalid living conditions. Incredible as it may seem, the black nobility have kept track of their bloodlines. The name of the original lodge of the Jacobins was changed to Club Breton and then Jacobin Club. This is a very unfinished skimpy list, I have done only a little research in this direction. When he died, Alfred I. duPont, Pierre Samuel du Pont II (1870-1954), and Thomas Coleman du Pont (1863-1930) took over various DuPont manufacturing affairs. 2023 Cond Nast. If he hadnt had so many commendable qualities, then the Du Pont family may have sunk back in history, and another family taken their place. Tim Colt - the perverted patriarch of the Colt family - ran an "incest" farm in the Australian outback where he raped his daughters with his sons and fathered their children. The title has astrological occult undertones. Here the Georgian-style home is situated so that it takes in a panoramic view of the Delaware Piedmont. For a while all went well. Vanity Fair may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Tilt your head and squint your eyes, and it all starts to make sense. They also suggested a high dam on the Nile. Delaware's highs and lows from Forbes' 2015 Best States for Business and Careers. The area between this is wooded and has beautiful falls and a large park. Emile Francis duPont (1898- ) graduated from Yale, like a number of duPonts have. But what is this organization? The family also believed that inbreeding was central to both preserving the family fortune and ensuring "purity of blood." [10] During the 19th century, the Du Pont family maintained their family wealth by carefully arranged marriages between cousins[11] which, at the time, was the norm for many families. This brother sent me a video of the Pecos River Training. Other sources indicated that the organization had an affiliate organization in France. There the coroner was willing to lie on the death certificate that the death was caused by effusive apoplexy.. Apparently, they lost some money already in that regards. Eleuthere I. du Pont sits on DuPont's board of directors. For instance they just say, I believe in Christ.. The Madame was a close friend of Pierre Samuel and she operated a famous salon/cathouse. American populations are noteworthy for their extremely low inbreeding rates, with the mean frequency of first cousin marriages in the United States probably lower than 0.1 per cent. at United Nations Commislon on Narcotic drugs (1973-78). This witch is close friends of the duPonts and has been protected from being fired by the duPonts. For instanced, did anyone catch what Bill Clinton did when he faced the people and waved at the inauguration? The Du Pont family (English: /djupnt/) [1] is a prominent American family descended from Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817). 2:15. Only the Dow Chemical Company is any competition with the DuPont chemical operation. Consequently in 1899 Delaware only had one U.S. I believe he was protected because DuPont was part of the Inner Satanic hierarchy. Factors other than mere proximity can make inbreeding attractive. Further Leighton was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Pennslyvannia, Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar, and chaplain of the Delaware Society of the Cincinnati. Close, unassailed, it keeps to itself, hides its scandals, boasts not of its good works, but continues, within American democracy, to exert its own indomitable way.. Either way it always led to disastrous consequences, to the point it was almost synonymous with tragedy. The corporation is one of the top ten companies completely strangling the natural world - and it needs to stop. general of Del. He and his sons, Victor Marie du Pont and leuthre Irne du Pont, migrated from France in 1800 to the United States and used the resources of their Huguenot heritage to found one of the most prominent of American families, and one of its most successful corporations, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, initially established by leuthre Irne as a gunpowder manufacturer. have been active Masons. And Francis Marguerite du Pont (born 1944 in Duluth, Minn.) is deep into research into genetics. Ed Bali and Jessie Ball du Pont (his widow) took over control of his estate. The Mason Pierre LEnfant who designed the City of Washington with its hidden occult symbols also designed the logo for the Society of the Cincinnati. John du Pont shot Olympic wrestler David Schultz dead in the driveway of the familys mansion in 1996. 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