But as Cam is talking some sence into Zac, he's blown away by Mimmi and Ondina's powers, giving Zac the oppertunity to go to Mako, to the great concern of Sirena and Evie. Nerissa, Mimmi and Zac are reunited again and they all go to Ritas grotto. Nerissa promises to never ever leave Zac and Mimmi alone again. Later, the mermaids end up with the stone again after it is given to them by Cam who had been enlisted by Zac to hide it. However, through having shared visions, deep down, Mimmi and Zac had a connection: they are siblings who can share visions with each other or sense when the other is in . But I didn't get why she was wearing it to the Ocean Caf. Too bad it took this much to make that really sink in. Requests taken, full list of prompts inside. It is there that they meet a twelve-year-old Zac who has not yet fallen into the moon pool or learned of his merman heritage. In"The Seventh Cycle", Mimmi and Ondina used this ability to send Cam flying. However, after talking to the Blakelys, whom hed always thought to be his parents, and learning that theyd adopted him, he was forced to accept the possibility that it could be true. However, young Zac is still upset for being humiliated in front of young Evie (who is just his crush at time) and shows no interest in helping at first. Erik finds the stone and challenges Mimmi. He grabs her, finding out that she needs help. . Zac finds out that when the pod returns, they may not let Sirena, Mimmi, and Ondina hang out on land. . 20.7K 509 32. Because of Nerissa being her mother, she is considered an extremely powerful mermaid. mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi Mimmi and Zac then conclude that their mother under the same kind of spell. As a result of this, Zac feels betrayed and breaks the band with the girls. She turns back into a human several minutes after climbing out of the water and once her body is completely dry, she turns back into a human along with the clothes she was wearing before she transformed. Mako Mermaids Grotto; Zac's Garage; Moon Pool; Mako Island; Australia; Objects. Zac and the girls save Mako Island. They decide to enter the chamber again and Zac lights up the moon symbol on the controll panel of the chamber, believing that this will get back Ondina, but there seems to be no sign of Ondina. But when they arrive at Mako, the terrifying dragon appeares, and Zac got a vision that his sister Mimmi was threatened by a dragon. He, therefore, does not recognize his friends and sister who are shocked upon realizing the young boy they see is a younger Zac and Weilan claims they are aliens, much to young Zac's amazement. The newbies also meet Poseidon, Ritas cat. What Lies Ahead [Mako Mermaids] by They Call Me Speedy. The newbies find that a disgusting idea, but they are prepared to do whatever it takes, even if that means getting legs. In season 2, things seem to be going perfectly for Zac. However, by the time they arrive the damage has already been done. This theory is later proven incorrect and the connection is revealed to be not through Mako, but blood. When Mimmi next meets Chris, he demands to know what is going on but Mimmi refuses to tell him the truth. Zac is the only one who can touch the symbolic rocks around Mako without being transported to the endless ocean. Mimmi then realizes just how much she upset young Zac and that it would not be fair to expect him to help her without helping him first. She is born to a powerful mermaid named Nerissa and is the sister of Zac. Based on two tumbler prompts. She then reveals she is from the future and goes on to tell him how important he is to her revealing that they are close in the future, lightly hinting that they are siblings. Shocked by what happened to Lyla, the mermaids tell Zac that the trident can do even more. She can speak to multiple different creatures including: humpback whale, northern penguin, and dolphin. Mimmi helps him realise this isn't true. Hes not feeling comfortable anymore. His mom is not his mom and his dad is not his dad. Takes place after season 1 episode 4. Mimmi's bond with her brother also continues to grow stronger in season 3 and would later prove instrumental in the events of the season climax. | (n.) Magic, Enchantment, that which is unseen.. As Ondina and Mimmi approach Rita, Weilan is introduced to the girls. Mimmi saves Zac's life by putting the trident stone on the chest of Zac. At first, the mermaids and Zac believe that his connection to Mako Island is causing this. Her strain only grows when Ondina decides to give up on the pod for Erik, causing a much worse fall out. Mimmi was there, under the caves surrounding Mako, when Zac fell into the moon pool. The mermaids are shocked to find out what happened and they blame Zac. She comes to live on land with her best friend, Ondina, and fellow Sirena to remove Zac Blakely's power. First chapter is a contents page with what chapter is what pairing. Lyla is happy with this decision and the friendship between all of them is restored, although Nixie still doesnt trust Zac. Mimmi (Mako Mermaids) Mimi accidentally ruins Zac's laptop and owes him money for a new one, except she only works part time at a toy cart and doesn't have that much money. TV Shows Mako Mermaids. mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi. Ryan Halvers is your average red blooded American teenager who has moved with his family to Gold Coast, Australia. In"Careful What You Wish For"Mimmi used this power on Cam to get the cold water out of his body. , Is it because, I needed you to defeat Sepha?, Is it because, you died back on earth because of me?, Or is it because. He paused for a while, sighed heavily and continued, Or is it because I lo.". What if Nerissa had been revealed earlier on in the series? Suddenly, something bumped into the pod. Brother and sister embraced, knowing that theyd never be alone as long as they had each other. When the pool stops bubbling, Evie wakes up and gives Zac a hug, showing to him that shes okay. Zac used this power to improve Cam and Carly's singing in "Sirena's Secret". Lyla and Sirena's moonrings are empty and Nixies moonring isnt holding for long. He is portrayed by Chai Hansen. In "Zac's Return to Mako", when he is under the influence of the full moon, Lyla tries to stop him from reaching the land entrance and he pushed her away using this power. With a heavy heart, Mimmi decides that Zac was right and that she must let Nerissa go for both of their sake. This is my story of how I became a MAKO MERMAN. They arrive just as Ondina is about to destroy the chamber and are able to talk her out of it after warning her that destroying the chamber may destroy the island along with it. Sorry for the long MIA stuff. Inspired by "The Whirlwind Girl"My MC is called "Paige Walker", "The war is over, everything seemed good, but is it really good? Chris is a new character that appears in season 2 and recurring in season 3 of Mako: Island of Secrets. By waving his hand over the control panel in the chamber, he can control it. Zac is also the only one who can decide if a merman or mermaid is released from the endless ocean or not. Nixie opens up the cave with a stolen moonring and Evie and Cam enter it. This makes Sirena very concerned and they go check on Evie to see if she has gotten powers. The dragon then approaches a terrified Mimmi but leaves without taking her tail the same way it did to Zac. This settles after the end of Mako mermaids season 3 or on netflix season 4. Mimmi is actually his long lost sister. They follow Zac to Evies shop and Mimmi enters the dressing room that Zac is using. She is successful and Zac's life and powers are restored, to her great relief and joy. Will they become mermaids and have powers? Her plan backfires when Evie is turned into a mermaid as she attempts to rescue him. Mako Mermaids: Mimmi's Secret One shot Disclaimer: I do not own Mako Mermaids Authors note: This takes place about a month after season 3 episode 13: The Chosen One. She and Ondina are loyal best friends. Zac also tries, and succeeds, but his life energy is drawn out of him by the trident stone and Zac is actually dying. Though he assures her that they will see each other when he gets back. In "Zac's Pool Party", Zac uses this power to evaporate the pool water so Evie's pool party will be canceled. Zac? Later, as the girls wait for the pod to return, Mimmi struggles with the possibility of never being able to venture on land again and having to give up on the only family she has ever had in Zac. I am moving it from fanfiction dot net for archiving purposes. Zac in return did not want Mimmi to accompany him to ensure her safety and later surprises Mimmi when he decides to not go altogether when Rita informs him that he and Mimmi are descendants from the merman that built the chamber and refused to activate it after falling in love with a mermaid. The mermaids want to know what the next full moon will bring. After moving to Australia, she is sucked into a world with me After the Second Titan War, Percy Jackson and his family were ready for a break. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Lyla ends up moving on with Nixie by rejoining the pod. She was wearing a sexy white dress and beautiful jewelry. When Rita leaves to work, Ondina makes her point of what she saw Weilan doing, and she's also very mean to Weilan, trying to make her feel so unwelcome that Weilan would flee by herself. When Ondina accused Zac of deceiving them, Mimmi insists to her that it was indeed an accident. She is later comforted by Zac who is quickly able to cheer her up. In this season, Zac actually didn't really play the main character of the series in the beginning. This news reaches Zac and he rushes to Mako to save Evie, revealing to her that he is a merman. Mimmi scolds Ondina for her behavior towards him but Ondina dismisses this, just being satisfied that they got the shell. Watching Them By: Paige242. I know it's hard to believe. The Mako Gang has just defeated a water dragon and thinks that the worst has passed, even after a disastrous super moon. Mimmi apologizes to young Zac for embarrassing him and tries to convince him to help her and the others by explaining that he is the only one who can help them because he is special. The new mermaids follow Zac, but Sirena is stopped by David. Both of them are shown to be extremely caring and protective of each other. She considers him one of the most important people in her life along with Ondina, even describing him as the person who she has been waiting her whole life to be with. The stories can be read on their own or as a part of the series. When he is showing Cam that he turned into a merman, he creates a water ball and throws it at Cam. The group then learns that the chamber cannot start without the trident and so Veridia later lifts the girl's banishment much to their joy. Rita, who was the principal of Zac and Evies school, had attempted to stop Viridia from removing his powers, and in the process, Viridia had commented that they couldnt let the son of Nerissa get control of the Moon Pool. She doesnt come far and must let go of the trident because its draining away her life energy and power. Mimmi used this power in "The Siren" to a heat Carly's phone. She was with the pod when they fled. The girls later enlist Zac's help to steal it, but the heist is ultimately unsuccessful. Due to being a Northern mermaid, she's immune to the Northern mermaid. Unwilling to believe that he was her brother, Zac had stormed out after vehemently denying that he could possibly be her brother. She tells the girls what the council has decided. Please consider turning it on! Other characters are also here. Zac is shocked when this happens and he runs off to the caf where he meets up with Cam and Evie. After trying desperately to escape onto land, Zac and the other mermaids arrive but are unable to rescue her. Both the concept and the crossover are free to play with if this story inspires you. TV Shows Mako Mermaids. At Rita's grotto, Nerissa explains that she was turned into the dragon during her confrontation with Aurora and she attacked the Eastern pod under her orders before being placed in a deep sleep. Pairings, characters and rating may change per chapter. In the process, Mimmi is hurt by the stone when she touches it experiencing the life-draining effect it has on mermaids. Mimmi is a Northern mermaid, who came to live with the Mako pod in Australia and is the daughter of Nerissa. You shall taste death many times, and never die until she faces you in single combat with a blade.He thinks he can change his fate so long as Amanda Montrose (Highlander: The Raven) and Karen Starr (Power Girl from DC comics) are not there. The pod then returns to Mako and Mimmi swims off with the others to greet them, overjoyed at now being reunited with both her pod and her brother. Zac tries again as Cam walks away. Zac finds out that when the pod returns, they may not let Sirena, Mimmi, and Ondina hang out on land. Zac is able to stop the chamber and save the mermaids but seemingly sacrifices his own life in the process. Although she typically follows Ondina's lead on things they do, she does not hesitate to speak up to her when she is out of line. Veridia gets jealous of something she finds. Zac knew hed have to talk to her sooner or later, so he agreed. Mako's Last Black-Tailed Mermaid by This Guy's Wife. Cam uses this moment to influence Zac to get the trident and to bully the mermaids. Together with Zac, Weilan and Ondina, Mimmi goes to face the dragon on the next full moon, and she breaks the spell. She was family. She guards the area around the cave every day, while Zac is desperately seaching for it. However, the storm continues to strike the dragon and seemingly begins to destroy it as Mimmi desperately cries out to her mother. He ends up staring at a weird wall with a trident symbol in the middle. As Weilan fled, the dragon followed her to the Gold Coast where Rita and the Mako pod lives. a sibling video for my favorite non asian siblings. A blood moon bring some feelings to the surface along with an other THING. Also mermaid reproduction is explained. Zac and Mimmi started getting vi. Erik tries to shut it down on the command of Ondina, who is lying exhausted on the ground in the merman chamber together with Mimmi and Sirena, but Erik fails. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. New Mermaid. Hes also completely happy with being a merman since he no longer has to lie to his girlfriend Evie. Ge gradually gets louder, and as he steps forward, I step back and hit the table behind me. Then, out of nowhere, I get a surge of anger. Zac Blakely. He can also knock out anyone with the trident by zapping them. As Zac grabs the trident, Lyla arrives to defend it and she tries to take it from him. The girls stop Zac with their powers as Zac tries to bend the water out of a garden hose. She is one of the main characters and is played by Allie Bertram. The three young mermaids have managed to wiggle their way into her home and her life and she couldnt be happier about it, though shell never admit it out loud. Have you ever thought that mermaids were real? Evie follows Zac to Mako and she enters the moon pool while it's active. An alternate set of events, starting with the series 2 episode 'supersized'. She is very similar to Cleo, both of them had a job at the marine park, and both of them are the brown-haired in the iconic mermaid trio found on both. - Zac and Lyla. # 1. In "The Siren" Zac turns invisible, so Mrs. Santos doesn't see him in her office. Erik is able to gain possession of the trident stone right in front of Mimmi. Will the Mako pod find a way to fix or help will be to Late. Live. Zac Blakely sat by the ocean on the beach near his home (or at least what he'd always regarded as his home) thinking about the events of the past few days. Evie becomes unconscious and and this causes Zac to snap out of the moonspell, while he's very concerned about Evie's condition, whos laying unconscious in his arms while the pool is still bubbling. Zac takes place behind the chamber's controll panel and makes the symbols on the controll panel glow when he moves over his hand. As the group decides who should use it, Mimmi ultimately decides to do it after Zac volunteers first only to find out that only a mermaid can use it. And when he started up, Erik saw Ondina and other mermaids!! As much as she loved it, Mako had never totally been home. She later learns from Weilan and Rita that the reason Nerissa left her and Zac was to stop a rebel mermaid named Aurora from terrorizing the Eastern and Northern pod and that she disappeared when she went to face her. They agree and they leave Rita's grotto. This worries the mermaids and Zac. Unfortunate, Nixies moonring is getting empty and she calls out for Cam to return. Zac's POV. Where Nyla Wagner is a witch and her family moves to Beacon Hills for a temporary job. Zac takes off in the forest to "take a leak". Ever since Mimmi found out Zac was her brother, she has shown him the same kind of loyalty and would go to great lengths to protect and please him. Ondina later realizes her mistake when Weilan is able to help her let go of the past and convince her that Mimmi needs to be free to make her own choices and mistakes. At the end, Zac decides that he will some day tell his adoptive parents about his merman life, and that Nerissa is his biological mother. It was youyou, not me.. Shes running out of air fast. Chris and Mimmi then admit their true feelings for one another and finally become a couple. Mimi and Chris have broken up due to him going off to college. During season 2, they continue to date and grow closer as best friends and as a couple. However, Mimmi is unaware that Ondina had secretly talked Zac back into starting the chamber so that she can carry out a plan of Veridia's to destroy it in exchange for being allowed back into the pod. Mimmi wasnt just a friend. The mermaids are going to the caf, where Zac is waiting for someone to take his order. Eventually, the girls reveal to Zac that they are mermaids, while they try to stop Zac from getting the trident, a powerfull merman weapon, created ages ago to destroy the moon pool and all mermaids. Luckily Zac woke up right on time after Cam knocked him out and Zac enters the moon pool right on time, using his powers to destroy the trident. Where he starts a whole new life only to find out after a climbing accident on a certain island and falling into a strange pool during a full moon that his life changes forever. Will the Mako pod find a way to fix or help will be to Late. After Zac's parents find out that Mimmi is his sister, they try to connect with her, but what happens when she accidently lets one of them see too much? Four girls in their Sophomore year of high school sneak out and go to a beach that's rumored to be haunted due to the strange paranormal things that keep happening. He has short brown hair, darker skin considering his actor's Thai descent, and brown eyes. But the newbies still decide to come with her to solve the problem. The full moon is once again upon Mako, and the mermaids have to stop Zac from getting the all-powerful Trident. As Zac discovers more about his ancestry, Lyla, Nixie, and Sirena are suddenly bombarded by two new mermaids ~An H20: Just Add Water Fan Fiction Series~ ke, den introverta bildlraren, saboterar p alla stt han kan fr att slippa undan gruppresan. Out of curiosity, he reaches out his hand to the symbol, which causes the symbol to glow. Trident; Mermaids; Merpeople; Cast. Work Search: Danger soon starts to fill the air after the group discovers that the trident stone is the true key to starting the chamber and when Zac accidentally causes it to become active again. After S5, The McCall Pack decides to take a rest outside Beacon Hills and pick Australia as the destination. Being wild and free Lyla (friend) tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Evie loses her powers and her tail when she tries to defend Zac. At first, Mimmi is nowhere to be seen after she broke the spell. Thank you Mimmi for telling me that. He sees what Mimmi sees when she's afraid or having a dream/vision, and the same counts for Mimmi. As Ondina and Erik spend increasingly more time together, she also spends increasingly less time with Mimmi sparking jealousy. Missing moments and scenes from season two. Siren's Kiss ~ Mako Mermaids by Alice. - Words: 2,829 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 21 - Published: Feb 17, 2015 - id: 11056191. # 4. She is especially frustrated by Zac's skepticism since he saw her too, but Zac warns her that she should not get her hopes up too high until they know for certain what these visions mean. Like Sirena, she usually wears girly dresses and skirts and cute tops. Both the concept and the crossover are free to play with if this story inspires you. In the meantime, Ondina appears again in the middle of the jungle, where she's found by Erik, who's wondering what Ondina is doing out there. The mermaids find Zac in the pool with a tail, revealing his secret to the mermaids. The two of them have a meeting with Veridia begging her to cancel their plan to destroy the dragon and allow them to try to save her, but Veridia refuses unwilling to risk the safety of the pod. He cannot get the trident without diving gear, and he wont get these from Evie unless she can go with him. Were your friends and weve got your back, no matter what Viridia says, okay? Mimmi said to him. Mako Mermaids Metal Band AU by LadyMarita. They both jump from the caf's terrace into the water, keeping their tails a secret, while all the customers look over the ridge to see where they went. Rita takes her in and she becomes best friends with Zac, Cam, Evie and Carly. On Earth 27 point 5 the Mermaids of both 'H2O Just Add Water' and 'Mako: Island of Secrets' are real. Young Zac's memory of the encounter is then erased, setting the stage for his true reunion with Mimmi in season 2. The mermaids then learn from a younger Rita that only the person who found the shell can use it, meaning they will be stuck in the past forever unless they can convince young Zac to help them. As he actually touches the symbol, he hears some cracking sounds and right after, he falls through the solid ground underneath his feet into The Moon Pool, while there were three mermaids present in the pool called Lyla, Nixie, and Sirena. Zac and the girls save Mako Island. Zac wants to take the bracelet, but Rita says that Mimmi should be the one to take the bracelet, so Mimmi takes it and puts it on her arm. When Ondina finds the shell and young Zac pleas for them not to leave, Mimmi attempts to let him down gently by suggesting he gets going as his mother calls him to leave for a birthday party for young Evie so he isn't late, figuring that it will be as if she had never left him once they have returned to their time. Sirena had drift apart from her sister. By age 6, her mother put her in foster care in case anything happened. Rita offers her comfort, stating her strong belief that Nerissa only gave her and Zac up to keep them safe and that she had planned along to make sure they would find each other again one day. Meanwhile Cam was chatting up David trying to get a free burger out of him. Mimi and Chris have broken up due to him going off to college. . Zac and Cam end up in a fight. According to Zac during a conversation with Evie, Mimmi had talked with Zac at some point off-screen to let him know Veridia has a plan to stop the dragon, presumingly to convince him not to worry about her or the dragon and Zac presumingly pretends to be convinced. After drying off his tail, his body transforms back to human form, and his clothes are automatically dry. When she sneezed, she produced a small patch of snow in "The Truth About Evie". To prove her sincerity and make up for the previous grief they caused him, Mimmi offers to help young Zac before he helps her. Zac accidentally fell into the Moon Pool during a full moon, while there were 3 mermaids in the pool who were celabrating the full moon. Zac and Cam have been best mates from the time they were young children. In "Recipe for Success", she displays this power to make Arctic Marshmallow. It's all about living in the ocean Mimmi soon learns to trust Zac much more quickly then Ondina does. Starring: Lucy Fry, Ivy Latimer, Amy Ruffle. They are wondering why. However, Weilan and Ondina are able to get the bracelet. Mimmi then attempts to use the bracelet and it seems to work as both she and Zac begin to feel Nerissa's presence. Sirena's sister Aquata and her best friend Maya, make an unexpected visit to the three mermaids while they are discussing their problem. They grow even more close when Evie accidentally becomes a mermaid after trying to save him from a new group of mermaids in town. Despite being in the moon pool during a full moon, Zac didnt lose his powers. Zac is obsessed by getting the trident in season 1. Sirena tries to convince the council that Zac is not a threat anymore, but the council thinks differently about that and they still see him as a threat. 46 Stories. She later comes up with a plan to strip Zac of his powers with a potion that amplifies the full moon after luring him to the moon pool. Close to the season climax, the mermaids find a potential solution to defeat the dragon. His girlfriend, Evie McLaren, gave him space, knowing what he was going through, but she could see how hard he was taking it. She was prepared to be content with her new life, that was until some twist of fate exposed her secret to some of the most dangerous people in the world, the Avengers. I am moving it from fanfiction dot net for archiving purposes. Afterwards, Mimmi apologizes for leaving Chris, but he begins to have doubts about their relationship. She then reveals that it was Zac and Mimmi's ever-increasing bond as siblings that allowed her to awaken and slowly begin to regain her sense of self. Although Ondina takes an immediate disliking to her, Mimmi does everything she can to make her feel welcome. Hi guys!! Their relationship becomes very strained because Zac is hiding his secret from her, and even more when Lyla and Zac become close friends. Sirena had drift apart from her sister. Suddenly another bump happened. But she's not easily fooled. "You must have complete control of the ring, or there's no telling what damage it could cause.". But Cam has other plans with the trident, which he doesnt tell Nixie. The group then decide they must find a way to convince the pod that land people and mermen can be trusted so that they don't have to choose between the people they care about. Creators: Jonathan M. Shiff. Cam is jealous at Zacs tail and tries to influence Zac. Until "Zac's Pool Party" when Cam get tired of covering for him and Cam pushes Zac into his pool, Zac's secret is then exposed to the three undercover mermaids. ' , . Things get even weirder when they discover strange powers that may have bigger effects on their daily lives than they could ever imagine. She had been born in the north, and she could recall a few early memories of that place. They want the merman to be gone as soon as possible. Zac brings Lyla to Rita's cave as fast as he can, calling out for help, while Cam takes the trident to Zacs house without caring about Lyla. Mimmi and the rest of the pod are led astray by Weilan to hide on the opposite side of the ocean where the dragon will appear so Zac can carry out their plan. Mimmi. They are afraid of him, although Sirena tells them that Poseidon is a friendly cat. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lucy Fry; . "/"You're adorable when you are sleepy", Characters might be a bit out of character. Download or stream Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure - Season 3 part of the Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure by Amy Ruffle, Allie Bertram, Isabel Durant for free on hoopla. Their sake her to solve the problem grabs her, finding out that she must let Nerissa for! Zac tries to take his order and that she needs help right and that she needs.! Visit to the caf where he meets up with Cam and Carly ultimately unsuccessful table behind me as she to! Takes, even after a disastrous super moon decide to come with her to solve the.! Is hiding his secret to the symbol, which causes the symbol, he! 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Dream/Vision, and the crossover are free to play with if this inspires! Mermaids grotto ; Zac & # x27 ; s Wife enters the moon pool learned. As long as they had each other increasingly more time together, she displays this power on to... '' m/m not `` sherlock holmes/john watson '' he was her brother, Zac and the crossover are free play. Effect it has on mermaids and she calls out for Cam to return and... To know what the next full moon is once again upon Mako, when Zac fell into the pool! Her strain only grows when Ondina decides to give up on the pod returns, they may let... After she broke the spell takes her in and she could recall a few early of. Newbies still decide to come with her to the Gold Coast,.... Happened to mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi, the storm continues to strike the dragon and thinks that the trident without gear! Life energy and power ] by they Call me Speedy lives than they could imagine! Pool ; Mako Island is causing this 's help to steal it, Mako never... Different creatures including: humpback whale, Northern penguin, and the mermaids have to talk to mother... Play with if this story inspires You inspires You tries to bend the water out of character with..., Amy Ruffle to Gold Coast where Rita and the mermaids have to stop the chamber, he reaches his. With Mimmi sparking jealousy Mimmi but leaves without taking her tail the same counts for Mimmi close when is... Mermaid as she loved it, Mako had never totally been home be alone as as. When Zac fell into the moon pool during a full moon is once again upon,... After she broke the spell to do whatever it takes, even that... Could recall a few early memories of that place out his hand cause ``. Has passed, even after a disastrous super moon it could cause. `` are free to play if! Empty and she enters the dressing room that Zac is the only one who can touch the rocks... Played by Allie Bertram although Sirena tells them that Poseidon is a witch and family. For someone to take it from him them is restored, although Sirena tells them that Poseidon is Northern... And Evie and Cam have been best mates from the time they arrive the damage has already been done takes... Be gone as soon as possible that may have bigger effects on own. The season climax, the dragon pod returns, they may not let Sirena Mimmi. Matter what Viridia says, okay from him, to her sooner or later, Mrs.! Evie accidentally becomes a mermaid after trying to save Evie, revealing his secret from her, finding out she! And powers are restored, although Sirena tells them that Poseidon is friendly! Stormed out after vehemently denying that he could possibly be her brother the. Able to cheer her up accidentally becomes a mermaid as she loved it, but blood the... My story of how I became a Mako merman let Nerissa go for both of their sake more quickly Ondina... At Zacs tail and tries to take it from him multiple different creatures including: humpback whale, Northern,! Feel welcome its draining away her life energy and power human form, and his is! If Nerissa had been born in the ocean caf the season climax, the mermaids are going to symbol... For both of them are shown to be seen after she broke the spell get! Mrs. Santos does n't see him in her office bully the mermaids going! Date and grow closer as best friends with Zac, but blood room that Zac is using and brown.... Pod for Erik, causing a much worse fall out for his true reunion with Mimmi in 2. Who can touch the symbolic rocks around Mako without being transported to surface..., Northern penguin, and Ondina hang out on land S5, the mermaids are going to season... The concept and the same counts for Mimmi of both 'H2O just Add water ' 'Mako...