After a long and intense trial, during which the truth of Rob's abusive nature was exposed publicly, as well as the revelation that he had raped Helen, she was acquitted on both counts of attempted murder and Grievous Bodily Harm. We felt that by now, especially at boarding school, he'd have lost his Irish accent. Forever trying to give Usha unwanted relationship advice or a welcome shoulder to cry on, and architect of numerous failed matchmaking ruses. Sabrina's somewhat extreme competitive streak, especially (though by no means exclusively) when it comes to sporting activities, gets her featured at least twice a month. Often discussed in male only company due to her 'physical attributes'. Barry, barman at The Bull, given to popping crisp packets during slow shifts, and sporting a 'manbun' among other remarkable fashion statements. After moving to The Laurels retirement home she was a silent character for several years before her death was finally mentioned on 13 August 2008. A former chair of the parish council, he is known for his 'NIMBY' views and collection of garden gnomes. He eventually left the village to live with an old Army friend in Bristol. More recently, some local parishioners made complaints to the bishop when Alan, the vicar, began a relationship with Usha (who is Hindu). She was originally a kitchen maid at Manor House, the ancestral home of the Lawson-Hope family, and she became lady's maid to Letty Lawson-Hope. Shane did the cooking at Nelson's wine bar in the 1980s. Russ packed his things left his home and job at Lower Loxley. A confidant and comforter of many a troubled resident, the Grey Gables chef is socially easy-going and affable. Father of Clarrie. The Archers spoilers: Natasha and Tom Archer ruin Bridge Farm? He became concerned about the environment and tried to become "green". Now that would be a juicy storyline! She didn't come home until. ago I think he will end up going for Chelsea HidingInACupboard 6 mo. John "Jack" Archer (Denis Folwell), son of Dan, elder brother of Phil and Christine, first husband of Peggy, ne Perkins, later Woolley, father of Jennifer, Lillian and Tony: died 1972 of liver failure. He was, having concealed his marriage from her and wanting only a fling. In 1985 Aunt Laura fell in a ditch and listeners were treated to her forlorn cries while owls hooted overhead. Brenda Tucker (born 21 January 1981) (Amy Shindler) has had some controversial short-term relationships, with Debbie's husband, with Lilian's then (much younger) lover and with Lilian's son. Josh Archer, played by Angus Imrie,[11] made his first appearance during the episode broadcast on 13 September 1997. Carol Tregorran ne Grey (Eleanor Bron, formerly played by Anne Cullen (born 1926)) first appeared in 1954. Tony Archer (born Anthony William Daniel Archer, 16 February 1951) (David Troughton, formerly played by Colin Skipp)[2] is the youngest child and only son of Jack and Peggy Archer (and step-son of Jack Woolley). Fallon runs the Bridge farm caf with Emma Grundy and upcycles furniture as well as undertaking catering for local dos. Sara Coward died on 13 February 2017. She has since undergone breast reconstruction surgery to restore listeners' empathy with her (not entirely successfully), and coped rather better than David with the sudden transformation of priggish daughter Pip into a very stroppy seventeen-year-old with a much older boyfriend, Jude, who eventually dropped her. Ben is David and Ruth Archer's youngest son, and Pip and Josh's brother, having been born on 15 March 2002. On the death of his father a few years later, he strove to save his ancestral home, and involved Elizabeth, now also more mature, as his marketing manager. After Nigel Pargetter's death, he began working at Lower Loxley, initially just to assist Elizabeth. And secondly for taking the high ground when she's slept with Sol! Having recovered from both, he now takes more of a back seat in the family business. Oliver Sterling (Michael Cochrane) was married, between 2006 and her death in 2017, to Caroline. In August 2004 he married Emma Carter and they had a son, George, but she harboured a dark secret: while engaged to Will she enjoyed two one-night stands with his brother, Ed, one on her hen night, leading her to believe that Ed was George's father. Filled with remorse, Pat had strongly disapproved of Sharon, John's girlfriend, and this discovery turned into an obsession which caused problems for her family. hide. . In the process, the sausage business lost its organic status, which created further tension between the families. Brian's somewhat cavalier attitude to regulations came back to haunt him, when it transpired that in the 1970s he had taken money to allow the dumping of toxic chemicals on Home Farm land, which by the late 2010s had started to leak into the Am. Wish we could have brought Freddie home with us today, Elizabeth shared at first. The Archers spoilers: Justin Elliot to DESTROY Kate Madikane? A few years later, the same actress played the vicar, Janet Fisher, but after Fisher had in turn been written out, Barlow herself reappeared in August 2006. Tony suffered a heart attack in late February 2012, and a serious farmyard accident in autumn 2014. Eventually, Amy attempted to get Carl back, but he cruelly brushed her off. They moved to Ambridge from Sunningdale in 1986 and she is resented as an outsider, a do-gooder and incomer. Before she was injured in an explosion and fire at the Grey Gables Hotel in March 2020 Lynda had been campaigning against Lilian Bellamy's plans to revamp The Bull under the title "The B @ Ambridge". William "Will" Grundy (born 9 February 1983) (Philip Molloy) is the elder son of Eddie and Clarrie. It was her pregnancy (by Helen's boyfriend Leon, though this was never revealed to Helen) and subsequent termination, that precipitated Helen's decision, at thirty, to have a baby by donor insemination. He no longer has an Irish accent,[28] following a change of actor in 2012.[29]. Abbie Tucker Alan Franks Played by John Telfer Amy Franks Played by Jennifer Daley Andrew Eagleton. Elizabeth's mother-in-law Julia lived in the family pile until her demise in 2005. Upon his release on probation he created a new property development company, created with Lilian as director to circumvent his disqualification. Freda Fry wife of Bert Fry. After a work placement in Yorkshire she became more focused on her future and the future of the farm. For more details see below under Aldridge family. After years attempting to keep the family farm afloat, they were made bankrupt in 2000 - an opportunity for the mainly urban audience to witness the personal and family tragedy of farm sales and were forced to move to a sink estate in Borchester. The Archers Archives. She came to Ambridge as a Harper Adams student looking for agricultural work experience in 1987, and promptly met David, who was keen to settle down: the couple married within two years. He was regarded as one of the most humourless characters in the village, even before the death of his beloved wife Betty in December 2005. His mother rather desperately encouraged this, to Neil's disapproval, but the couple soon found themselves incompatible, and Christopher finished the liaison. After an 'informational' storyline of difficulty in conceiving, Hayley gave birth to a baby daughter, Abigail (Abbie) on 7 March 2008. Ruth survived breast cancer which struck in 2000, undergoing a mastectomy operation. Died while driving home from work when he swerved to avoid hitting Caroline, whose horse had thrown her on being frightened by a speeding car, and crashed into a tree. Subsequently Rob found himself becoming a pariah in the village, with Usha evicting him from the house he rented from her, Oliver banning him from the hunt, local shops refusing his custom and villagers openly expressing their distaste for him. This was in the context of Shula's devout Christianity and membership of the local Parish Council. [19] As of 2021[update] she is a vegetarian, climate change activist and opponent of hunting. Andonis Anthony. She gave birth to her daughter Phoebe in a tipi at the Glastonbury Festival. [49] He had an illegitimate daughter, Rosemary Tarrant, who when she found and introduced herself to him revealed she had become a policewoman. [38] During 2016 her daughter, the Birmingham barrister Anna Tregorran, successfully defended Helen Archer in the latter's trial for attempted murder. Roy Tucker (born 2 February 1978) (Ian Pepperell) was formerly part of a teenage gang which perpetrated a series of racist attacks on Usha Gupta; he gave them her address. Alice Carter, ne Aldridge (born 29 September 1988) (Hollie Chapman), the younger daughter of Brian and Jennifer, studied engineering at Southampton University. They married in summer 2008 and Usha's family have warmed to the idea and attended the wedding, though Mabel did not. The Archers airs weekdays on BBC Radio 4 at 7pm. Grace Archer (Monica Grey and Ysanne Churchman) was Phil Archer's first wife and the first major character to be killed off. In 2005 Peggy tried to persuade her husband to agree to his affairs being governed by power of attorney. Clarrie spends much of her time sorting out problems created by her husband and sons. Tregorran died in July 2014 and was buried in Ambridge. However, Ian can be outspoken with husband Adam Macy when he thinks Adam's overstepped the mark. Kate emigrated to Johannesburg, South Africa where she married Lucas Madikane (Connie M'Gadzah). She finally reported her trauma to the police in September 2007, after being informed that King had attacked another woman. In late 2019, Emma and Ed briefly separated, though they have since reconciled. This was seen as a ploy to keep loyal viewers and listeners away from the new station. Lynda Snell MBE (born 29 May 1947) (Carole Boyd) lives at Ambridge Hall with her husband, Robert Snell. In 2019 Alistair's sister Fiona Lloyd (Adjoa Andoh) visited Ambridge to celebrate her father Jim's birthday. After feeling increasingly badly-treated by Lilian and Matt, she left Amside without notice. Prior to their marriage the relationship hit a rocky patch when Burns arrested Fallon's father for drug dealing but they managed to get past this major obstacle. Christopher Carter (born 22 June 1988) (Wilf Scolding, formerly played by Will Sanderson-Thwaite) is the younger offspring of the Carter family. When Adam returned from Africa, a bout of sibling rivalry erupted: to a certain extent, this remains ongoing, although there are indications that Adam and Debbie are reaching an understanding. Siobhan's revelation in 2007 that she had terminal cancer, and her request to Brian to care for Ruair after her death, brought another crisis to the relationship of Brian and Jennifer, who eventually agreed to Brian's request for them to raise Ruair together. Drawn to Ambridge and Lower Loxley by his love for Lily Pargetter, Russ was determined to prove himself to Elizabeths daughter. Janet Fisher (Moir Leslie), the former vicar of Ambridge and surrounding villages, was a close friend of Shula Archer. Joe maintained for many years that the Archer dynasty had robbed them of their estate. He never knew that he was finally to become a father. Surgical investigation found she had a hole in her heart as well as a narrowed valve. Jazzer started out as a general ne'er do well, engaging in burglary and drug abuse, before settling down a little and holding down two jobs. Christine Barford ne Archer, formerly Johnson (born 21 December 1931) (Lesley Saweard, formerly played by Pamela Mant[1] and briefly Joyce Gibbs), is the younger sister of Phil. In 1995 she married the new owner of the estate, Guy Pemberton (Hugh Dickson). Father and daughter were reconciled, however, after the birth of her son Henry Ian Archer, who was delivered by emergency caesarean section the day after New Years Day 2011, Helen having been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. Edgar Titcombe head gardener at Lower Loxley, who is married to the widowed Mrs Pugsley. Susie Riddell had previously voiced Kate Aldridge but left the series to pursue other projects before returning as Tracey. John was killed in a tractor accident. A good rogering could cure her depression to be fair. [32]. Bellamy senior died in 1980, but Lilian unaccountably returned to Ambridge in 2003 and took up with Matt Crawford (then a married man); her exploits cause much gnashing of teeth from her respectable sister Jennifer Aldridge. Unfortunately Toms handling of both the pregnancy and the miscarriage ultimately proved to be the final nail in the coffin of any lingering romantic feelings she had for him. Cameron Fraser (Delaval Astley) came to Ambridge in 1990 when he bought the Berrow Estate from Lilian Bellamy. The accident occurred as part of The Archers 60th anniversary broadcast on 2 January 2011. In 2003 she acquired two llamas, Wolfgang and Constanza (named after Mozart and his wife), which have been known to roam around the village. She returned to live with her parents in 2006, but moved out to live at a cottage on Brookfield Farm with Ed and Georgie as a family together. [44], Marjorie Antrobus - Archers' creator Edward J Mason had a real-life neighbour with that name - (Margot Boyd) was from a colonial background in Kenya; she was the widow of Teddy. In February 2010 she suddenly disappeared from the series to stay with a grandmother in Sheffield. Married to Elizabeth for some years and the father of twins Lily and Freddie (born 12 December 1999), he was convicted of drink-driving in 2003. Rob and Helen married secretly on the Isle of Wight in August 2015. In an unpopular and heavily criticised plotline Ruth teetered on the brink of an affair with farm employee Sam Batton in the autumn of 2006. Lillian took a more active role than he expected which caused some friction. She owns and runs the riding stables which formerly belonged to Christine Barford, her aunt. On returning to the village, Ed at first sought refuge with mentor and past employer, Oliver Sterling, who did his best to help him face his demons and abandon his vices. Jill is an active member of the Women's Institute, opened up a holiday cottage business, and is teaching her grandson, Josh, how to keep bees. A widower, he always wanted to marry her, but it was not to be. She eventually moved to be closer to her work but in 2021 returned to Ambridge after giving up her job as a midwife. After acquiring her second husband Ralph Bellamy in 1971, she left Ambridge to live with him in tax exile in the Channel Islands; she has by him a grown-up son James (rarely encountered except when he needs money). You can unsubscribe at any time. Subsequently Rob and his mother tricked Pat and Tony into handing Henry over to them, forcing them into a lengthy legal battle over custody. Now a farrier by occupation, a few years ago he had a brief relationship with Venetia, the daughter of a prominent Borsetshire family. This concern has been shared with her brother Tony, whom Jennifer is usually keen to put down. Their relationship was further tested when his long-lost brother Paul Morgan sought out, befriended, and ultimately fell in love with Lilian. Making his debut in 1983, he was once considered to be somewhat dim and irresponsible, wearing a gorilla suit at a hunt ball in 1983, inadvertently joy riding with Shula Archer in 1984 and driving an ice-cream van as 'Mr Snowy' in 1986. Annette Turner (born September 1990) (Anne-Marie Piazza) Teenage daughter of the late Greg Turner. Some years after Mark's death, Shula had an affair with the village doctor (who was himself living with Shula's hitherto good friend Usha Gupta), thus two-timing her boyfriend Alistair (the local vet) whom she subsequently married. Robert Snell (born 5 April 1943) (Dr Graham Blockey) was employed as a computer expert. Initially he employed Ed Grundy to manage his dairy herd. Jill Archer ne Patterson (born 3 October 1930) (Patricia Greene) is the widow of Phil Archer and matriarch of the family. Archers episode. Whilst living as a vagrant, he had become addicted to alcohol and crack cocaine. Kenton Archer started dating her, intermittently living with her, but they quarrelled when he brought his three-year-old daughter, Meriel, to Ambridge and expected Kathy to look after her. The decision to remove Bert from The Archers followed Eric Allan's decision to retire. [12] Josh later partners Neil Carter in a free-range egg business, before he launches his own business buying, renovating, and selling farm vehicles. He is gamekeeper for Borchester Land[citation needed]; his boss is Brian Aldridge. Emma Grundy, ne Carter (born 7 August 1984) (Emerald O'Hanrahan, formerly played by Felicity Jones) is the daughter of Susan and Neil Carter, who were horrified when their daughter announced she was marrying into the Grundy family. After finding that Kenton had had a one-night stand with a customer of his bar, she threw him out. [ update ] she is a vegetarian, climate change activist and opponent of hunting grandmother Sheffield! He eventually left the village to live with an old Army friend in Bristol Archers spoilers: Justin Elliot DESTROY! By Angus Imrie, [ 28 ] following a change of actor in.! Widowed Mrs Pugsley and she is resented as an outsider, a do-gooder incomer. Relationship advice or a welcome shoulder to cry on russ and elizabeth the archers and ultimately fell in a ditch listeners! 5 April 1943 ) ( Philip Molloy ) is the elder son of Eddie and Clarrie he employed Ed to. 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