In 1966, Nelson became head of the thoracic residency program that combined resources from the University of Utah Medical School, LDS Hospital, Primary Children's Hospital and the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City. And so thats probably one of the main lessons that I learned growing up about. Gloria Irion: I know mother saw you when she was pregnant with Emily. Nothing. Days later, the Shanghai Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau responded saying it "knew nothing about the American Mormon Church . And I remember as a 14-year-old thinking, Man, are we ever gonna go home? Because we are in a different place, a different country, a different something every day, every night. [63], In August 2010, Nelson journeyed to the dedication of the Kiev Ukraine Temple. I knew he loved her and he missed her. [30], In 1965, the University of Chicago offered Nelson the position as head of their department of thoracic surgery. They have agreed to talk to us about President Nelson in his role as a father. Sarah Jane Weaver: Share a little more about what your father taught you about women and being raised in this home with so many women. And when he was teaching me how to water ski, or having very, very spiritual experiences on the mountain, when we were skiing. And that always meant a lot. But he would also buy us daughters a corsage with a note with love as a potential mother. And we were going to be working together to see how we could get that goal accomplished. But there was also no question that our mom was the heart of the home. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Right after our mom passed away, that was the first time in my life that Id ever seen him visibly sad, or not the cheerful countenance that he usually had for that year plus, after our moms passing. So even though were not physically together, were still very emotionally attached. Yeah, he might watch a bowl game and we were just Gloria Irion: It was the only time I saw him turn on the TV. Gloria Irion: Theres about 150 great-grands, 57 grands. But I also remember, I guess I have the perspective for being one of the older ones, but like on a Saturday morning, if we got our chores done, Daddy could take us to swim or to ice skate or the Salt Lake Country Club to swim or Salt Lake swimming and tennis club or, you know, he would take us on an outing if we got our stuff done and at least took a few mess-makers out of the house for a few hours so mom could try to catch up. He still, to this day, who knows the number of our members in our family, I dont know, off the top of my head. [15] Nelson began his first year of medical school while still an undergraduate, and completed the four-year MD program in only three years. Sarah Jane Weaver: And you have nine girls, then Russ comes along. Laurie Marsh: Thank you. Shes very strong. What was it like when he came home? In 2011, Nelson Sr. returned to Russia to organize the first church stake in that country, headquartered in Moscow. Im wondering if we can just start and have each of you share one quality that you think of when you think of President Russell M. Nelson. But are we perfect? For his only son, its President Nelsons activity and energy. And while we were there, he met with some families in this meeting before the devotional. But, yeah, we have strong testimonies and gratitude that the Lord has blessed us with prophets, to have that guidance in our lives. He loves to be up on the latest technology. If we can be obedient, and make and keep our covenants, well be able to live eternally as a family with Heavenly Father again, she said. And theyre difficult times for us. And then I also remember, Daddy coming, he was serving as our stake president of the time. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: I remember the night when our mom passed away. It also adjusted previous policies forbidding adult males to teach classes of children or youth alone to apply to all adults. Almost a fishy-smelling string of pearls. Marsh appreciates her fathers glass-half-full perspective. In my remembrance, I think Daddy kind of had a routine. So the fact that it was her heart, everything that could have been done to help her was done. He really didnt raise his voice. Dear Friends. How to Have Joy. He treated her like royalty, Russell Nelson Jr. said. [56][57] Citing "continuing revelation", this policy was adjusted in 2019, such that First Presidency approval was not needed for the children to be baptized. The visible sadness was gone. And he was always teaching. [80][81][82], In August 2019, Nelson visited Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil. Russell Nelson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 9, 1924. And then number three, we normally would wait for Daddy, to have dinner together as a family. Yet your family has a reputation of not expecting to be treated any different than any other Latter-day Saints. [114] Together they had ten children: nine daughtersMarsha, Wendy (19512019),[115] Gloria, Brenda, Sylvia, Emily (19581995),[116] Laurie, Rosalie, and Marjorieand a son, Russell Jr. (b. They have agreed to talk to us about President Nelson in his role as a father. In 1992, it was identified he was on the Strengthening Church Members Committee, alongside fellow apostle James E. But my dads always been well-known, well-known renowned heart surgeon or stake president, or general Sunday School president. We just need to be a child of God. And when he was home, it was time for the family. In my personal life, I got called to be a bishop a few years back and he ordained me to the office of bishop in Melchizedek priesthood, but he let the stake president of that stake, set me apart as a bishop in that stake, letting him exercise his keys. This was highlighted by shortening the length of Sunday church meetings to 2-hours from the previous 3-hours. What was your house like, when you were children? [89] A few days before this, Nelson and his counselors met with the national leaders of the NAACP. So always active, always doing something, always engaged. And we have a couple of things in place. Fishing. Laurie Marsh: You know, nothing that my dad does surprises me. And I actually lament reaching this point in the podcast, because I could hear you guys talk about your father all day long. He would have worked very, very, long hours in his career as a surgeon. There was no question he was the head of the home. And he had a Church assignment in England, it was the 150th anniversary of the Church in England. [65] While there, Nelson visited government officials, was interviewed by Yuzhnaya Stalitsa television, and dedicated that country for the preaching of the gospel. So we were gone in total for about three weeks, two weeks of our own trip, and then a week of his assignment. And the thing about Daddy with this routine is when he was home, he was home. And then we experienced the pandemic and there was great effort to make sure that President Nelson stayed well. With the death of Monson on January 2, 2018, Nelson became the anticipated successor to the church's presidency. I remember vividly baths with Daddy, he would get three or four of us in the tub at a time. You get more joy from letting other people have that experience than you do from having that experience yourself. And I thought that was such a beautiful sentiment. [109] Nelson took all the church's apostles with him to Rome for that dedication. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I often think of the Doctrine and Covenants section 6:36, Look unto me in every thought, doubt not fear not, and that is my dad. [47] He also made several other visits to that continent, including one to Kenya in 2011. Nelson began his presidency two days after his ordination with a short broadcast to church members in January 2018 before then holding a press conference. Children(s) Emily Nelson Wittwer, Brenda N. Miles, MORE [X] Biography. At one point, the team came close enough to the front that they received fire from enemy artillery positions, which missed them. And there was a high expectation that we would be an eternal family and we were going to be working together to see how we could get that goal accomplished. I think most of us took piano lessons and then got to choose another instrument, but music was really big. He said, I never left them. And, and then you look back. It was probably 10 years ago that he taught Katie how to AirDrop photos. That doesnt sound like fun at all now as an adult, but somehow he made it seem like it was something that obviously, it needed to be done. And in that letter, he committed that he wouldnt do anything to besmirch our name. And as later in life, your father lost both your mother and then two of his daughters to cancer. [100] Nelson had previously characterized the 2015 policy as direction from God, stating "Each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation. Unfortunately, in 2005 Russel M Nelson's wife died unexpectedly at their home in Salt Lake City. [25], In March 1956, he performed the first successful pediatric cardiac operation at the SLGH, a total repair of tetralogy of Fallot in a four-year-old girl. He's curious. That just like, you know, because hes very medical, having gone through all of his years of training and surgery and, in his career and profession, just like a heart and brain work together to keep your body going, thats how I felt like our mom and dad ran our home. And we all got to choose other instruments. [20] Nelson was also the director of the University of Utah thoracic surgery residency program. Church President Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, pose for photographs with family members after a press conference at the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018. Ordained an Apostle on 12 April 1984, Elder Nelson received his B.A. So we would spend time together on a family trip. They can feel that he loves them and its not so distant. [74], In June 2018, Nelson traveled to Alberta, Canada, where his second wife was born and raised, and gave three devotional addresses in three consecutive evenings. Friend January 2019 "Show and Tell" Senior Primary children in Greater Manchester, England, wrote their own verse about President Russell M. Nelson for the song "Follow the Prophet.". Photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, courtesy of Church News. And we just loved sharing experiences with each other. Shes a good one, such a blessing to our family. They talk about President Nelsons Church leadership and offer a unique glimpse into his role as a father, husband and teacher. He earned an M.D. In August 2022, President Nelson traveled outside of Utah for the first time since the . I feel like the way he is leading the Church is exactly an example of the way we were raised, Marsh said. Gloria Irion: We were so grateful for the technology thats available. Image The Lord Jesus Christ, by Del Parson This episode of the Church News podcast features three of President Nelson's 10 Children, Gloria Irion, Laurie Marsh and Russell Nelson Jr. In that time, more than 70 changes and announcements have been made . And part of, I think, his processing his grief was like playing the piano. Afterwards, in September, he traveled to church meetings in several European countries. He was there. Sarah Jane Weaver: And when I think about your fathers ministry as president of the Church, its sort of compartmentalized for me. He doesnt look for anybodys approval, but the Lords right. Or did he just want you to follow any path that was what you chose? Family bonds were also strengthened through holiday traditions and large gatherings. [66] He developed ties with the medical community in China and made several trips there to train surgeons. And we were jumping from bed to bed. Gloria Irion: Right, yeah, it was funny. Russell Nelson Jr. knew he could ask his father anything and he would always provide the answer. [67] In 1995, Nelson went to Beijing, along with Neal A. Maxwell and other LDS Church leaders, on an official invitation of Li Lanqing, the Vice Premier of China.[68]. 2:04 Gloria Irion: Thank you, Sarah. And then they switch over to the Utah basketball game. How do you sum up a lifetime of being taught. Gloria Irion: He modeled so well how we are supposed to treat her, because of the way he treated her. Subscribe to theChurch News podcastonApple Podcasts,Amazon,Google Podcasts,Stitcher,Spotify,bookshelf PLUSor wherever you get podcasts. So we preceded that trip with our own personal trip, where we did some family history findings throughout Scandinavia. Friend. Sarah Jane Weaver: Im Sarah Jane Weaver, editor of the Church News. If he didnt have other responsibilities or obligations, he was fully present. What have you observed from their relationship? At least I can say this, from my perspective, I know that my dad loves me. It was our privilege as apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson. Sarah Jane Weaver: We have a tradition at the Church News podcast. [8][9] He had two sisters, Marjory E. (19202016) and Enid (19262019), and a brother, Robert H. (19312014). And it takes time, you know, we cant have everything, right that very minute. And as the evening was winding down, it was time for us to go and go back to our homes. And Ive had many experiences over the last five years that confirm that, and I am eternally grateful. Together, they had nine daughters and a son. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Even, a long time ago, I was 14, right after my freshman year of high school, I was the only one at home. On January 29, 1995, Emily died of cancer when she was 37 years old. Because, you know, our sisters were there, sometimes their dates would hang out after, and my mother was usually there to hear the details, or just to be with us. But I love the idea that whats important is, we all go through trials, right? After further surgical training and a two-year stint in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during the Korean War, Nelson returned to Salt Lake City and accepted a professorship at the University of Utah School of Medicine. And of course, its true. [92], In August 2018, Nelson issued a statement urging the use of the church's full name. He then moved to the Yale Second Ward, still in the Bonneville Stake, and was called as a member of the stake high council. So I didnt have a real close view of it, but I do remember asking him the same thing. [111], In April 2020, Nelson announced plans to build a temple in Shanghai, China. And so he always just took even simple moments like that, to teach and to show how things worked. We just need to be a child of God and we all are. Hes going to be fine. What we need to do is focus on our little ones and continue to teach them and bring them up. While on duty, he was assigned to a research group formed by the commandant of the graduate school at Walter Reed, Col. William S. Stone and led by Dr. Fiorindo A. Simeone, a professor of surgery at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland who had been a clinical investigator in the Mediterranean Theater during World War II. Next, Nelson ended home teaching and visiting teaching, replacing the programs with a focus on ministering, and shifting both the focus and methods of tracking them. I received the assignment in 2018 to write about your fathers global ministry. The Nelsons have nine daughters, and then one son so your memories of him would be a little different. Did you focus on science and math? "The purpose of the Church is to bring the blessings of God to His children on both sides of the veil," he said. Three of President Russell M. Nelson's children celebrate his 5 years as Prophet, offering a glimpse into his role as a father Three of President Nelson's 10 children Gloria Irion, Laurie Marsh and Russell Nelson Jr. discuss the lessons learned as children from their father in episode 118 of the Church News podcast. Welcome all of you to the Church News podcast. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: So much of our activities had to do with just being together, whether it was, you know, very early on, we would have monthly family parties, Christmas traditions, we could almost dictate the whole month of December by the traditions that we would do day by day and week by week. So I think the takeaway for me in that, is, you know, our number one job is just to try to learn how to become an eternal family and enjoy all the blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give each and every one of us. Obedience or adherence to rules and laws came with the understanding of why we were doing it, Russell Nelson Jr. said. [24] He was at the forefront of surgeons focusing attention on coronary artery disease,[26] and contributed to the advance of valvular surgery as well. Both parents knew how to teach their children about the why of things, their son said. In 2009, he, along with his wife and others, were attacked while in Mozambique. But I really feel like their love for us was not tied to any kind of accomplishment at all. Gloria Irion: I thought it was really a blessing. So, those are words that I think describe him well. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. [93] At the church's general conference in October 2018, he reiterated his position, declaring, "It is a correction" and "It is the command of the Lord." He knew decades before I did that there was such a thing as airdropping photos, Irion said of her 98-year-old father. And that was something that when I first heard that, was a huge surprise to me. What can we do for you? And he just said, Just go home and be with your, your children and love them and teach them. And so that right there was to me a good window into the eternities of how we just keep going. [32], In 1981, Nelson held appointments as a visiting professor of surgery at the National Institute of Cardiology in Mexico City and the Catholic University in Santiago, Chile. But I would say, I know that a key part of life is to learn and to grow, and to love love one another, love the Lord and enjoy the blessings that come from Him as we keep our covenants. Nothing is ever too hard, just have faith in the Lord, do your best, and everything is going to be OK, she said. Sister Nelson passed away in February 2005. [75], In September 2018, Nelson visited the Dominican Republic, where he gave an entire talk in Spanish, which was believed to be the first time a church president had given an extended talk in a formal setting in a language other than English. . Can you share with us about what its like to be Russell Marion Nelson Jr.? Here he is giving countless messages, reaching out via technology, thinking about members in very, very specific ways. He couldnt resist. Sarah Jane Weaver: I think thats a really beautiful thing. President Russell M. Nelson and his wife Wendy Watson Nelson with family with family at the temple. It wasnt me. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Programa: Welcome to the weekly MormonNewsRoundup where Al & Dives ruminate on the great and spacious Beehive!, ep. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Yeah, its been fun to kind of contrast and compare the way his teachings and ministry happens worldwide now, to the way it was done in our home when we were young, when I was young. But so much of it was just about being together and taking the time to strengthen those relationships. Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of La. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Yeah, he treated her like royalty. In 1985, Nelson was the first person ever to be made an honorary professor of Shandong Medical College. And so its been really neat to see that come through. [114] The following year, Nelson married Wendy L. Watson (b. And to see him follow that, like he said, follow instruction, has been a really remarkable thing to see and witness, so close. [98], In December 2018, the church's First Presidency changed the process of youth class progression and priesthood ordination. [36], In addition to his medical work, Nelson served frequently as a leader in the LDS Church. Nelson family No one has experience doing both operations on a 77-year-old patient, he had told President Kimball. Professional Life Prior to his service as head of the Church, President Nelson served as president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles from July 15, 2015, until his call as the Church's leader. And that, by no coincidence, is tied to the word disciple. And hes helped me and loved me all these years. And hes more personable. Gloria Irion: Its been wonderful to have. You know, we talk about the things that are positive and the things that my parents did great. It also provided more clear policies mandating all interviews with women and youth be done with another person in the general area, and made it clear that youth and women could have a parent or other adult present for an interview. We were invited, with all, all their love to come and participate in that. In the five years since then, he has embarked on a fast-paced global ministry traveling to 35 nations, extending countless invitations, leading the Church through a global pandemic and overseeing the continuing restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And theres no surprise to me that we all were so excited to be mothers, because the way he felt that position was such a calling of honor. But we have a tradition at the Churchs podcast and that is we always end with the same question. He later had a practice at the Salt Lake Clinic with admission privileges at LDS Hospital. That was always a primary point of emphasis and point of teaching throughout my whole life, even still. "[102], On April 5, 2020, Nelson issued a new proclamation, "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World". Theyre exercising their keys. Emily Nelson Wittwer died of cancer in 1995. Grief was like playing the piano russell m nelson children their department of thoracic surgery residency program you sum up a lifetime being! Offered Nelson the position as head of the way we were going to russell. Corsage with a note with love as a family trip, Amazon, Google Podcasts,,! Right that very minute 10 years ago that he loves to be working to... Us in the tub at a time point, the University of offered! Is when he was serving as our stake President of the way he is countless! Working together to see how we are in a different something every day, every night out via technology thinking... Normally would wait for Daddy, he was home eternally grateful was time us... 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