On my back, shoulders and part of my forearm bicep..this really hyper sensitivity to my skin. After talking to my rheumatologist & having a neurologist perform some tests, I was diagnosed with something called meralgia paresthetica, which is caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve the nerve responsible for providing sensation to your upper thigh. It causes redness, pain, tenderness, sometimes blistering, and peeling," says Dr. Fenton. Hope this helps somebody. Your skin also can feel as if it has a tickle feeling or "crawly" sensation under the skin. This results in the skin becoming easily affected with breakout of rashes and itching. Some causes of finger paresthesia arise from nerve compression (pressure or entrapment) or damage. Our Matte cream can be used on your face, body, hands, feet, hair - basically everywhere! The butterbur plant is found to be an effective natural remedy to reduce stress and control migraines. Engage in moderate to intense physical activity 3 times a week. Its hard to know as there can be several reasons for it, and its impossible to diagnose over the internet. Another common symptom is a tingling sensation. Its also a diagnosis of exclusionwidespread pain (both sides of body and above and below the waist) must persist for at least three months and not have any other identifiable cause. No rash, irritation, etc. Its hard to day what causes a bruise, as it can be caused by something less serious and common such as bumping into a hard object, or something more serious like in a car accident. result in damage to the protective covering that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain and spinal cord. However, nerve damage can occur because of hereditary, kidney or liver disease, insecticide exposure, vitamin B12 deficiency and more (3). But it started on the back of my upper left calf little below knee sensitive. Diabetes management plus B12 can help improve the condition. If not diagnosed Lyme disease can progress and cause more serious complications, one of which is that the skin can become very sensitive to touch. I wanted Clinically there appears to be no problem with my eyes/optic nerve and they dont think Ive had a TIA but am scheduled for an MRI scan this coming Saturday. Hi Michael, Ive seen in Mayo Clinic that hives can become a chronic if the welts appear for more than six weeks and recur frequently over months or years. Im experiencing the same symptoms. Read our privacy policy for more info. For instance, eczema, dandruff, and allergic reaction rashes are all forms of dermatitis. However you say you dont have rash now, so maybe what you had was something else? Under my right shoulder blade. Unfortunately Im not a doctor and cannot give specific advice. What it sounds to me like is what us older people (and some doctors) used to call "neuralgia" which basically means "pain to the touch of the skin." I've had it in varying places all over my body during the years. I have had a skin sensitivity to the touch problem since November of 2020. People love to sunbathe and be out in sunny weather. But not this time, ugh. While a painful rash is common, some people never develop it. Sensitive skin has been described as unpleasant sensory responses to stimuli that should not provoke such sensations. Hives, a common skin condition from an allergic reaction, can cause an itchy and painful rash. The Top 16 Essential Oils to Relieve Pain and Inflammation Read More:Essential Oils for Sunburn: Usage Tips and Recipes. Fibromyalgia?? The midbrain helps to evaluate different stimuli that control responses by a body. I notice autism spectrum disorder is not mentioned. Look for the causes behind before looking for a cure to treat Allodynia. There can be many reasons for having a hypersensitive skin that is sore to touch. Until i have at least $325 left over at the end of the month, I wont be getting a weighted blanket. ANY advice is appreciated. In fact, even lightly touching your skin can feel unbearably painful. Although there isnt a specific known cause, one train of thought is that a repeated stimulus, such as one from an illness or injury, can cause abnormal brain changes which make the bodys pain receptors extra sensitive and more liable to overreact. I really felt it was way too much. I have also read somewhere that cimetidine can help block the cells for herpetic pain. Hypersensitive skin which is sore to touch can cover large areas of the body or it can be localized to a small area. Or worse? The fact that the pain subsided is good, but to be on the safe side of things I think its best to see your doctor. Then it went and I started with sore skin on my shoulder, no rash, just painful when wearing clothes and when I touch it, exactly like sunburn, Ive had it for about 5/6 days now and it doesnt seem to be going. That is very similar to what happened to me, I had an awful cramp in my neck that come on out of nowhere and I couldnt move it, it stayed for about 2 days. These diseases result in damage to the protective covering that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain and spinal cord. Its worth noting that some types of allodynia are more responsive to migraine medication than others, some might be less effective, and at least one (Ketorolac) is best used during an allodynia appearance. I have broken by tailbone a few times and no telling what else I have messed up over the years. It can also be caused by your immune system attacking the nerve or by the nerve . Clothing makes miserable . The skin on bottom inner lower right arm feels extremely sensitive/tender to touch. Continued exposure of your skin to the sun after you have developed sunburn, increases your risk of other skin conditions and diseases. The skin may burn or tingle when touched. The pain continued for a while and then it stopped and reappeared on my lower right shoulder blade. It stings at times and if its not sore its stinging, like an open sore. This can cause your skin to: itch scale or flake peel feel rough to the touch crack and. Tactile defensiveness is a term used by occupational therapists to describe hypersensitivity to touch . There's no injury, rash, etc. Theres no rash or redness. Hydrate your skin from the outside to avoid a dry, lifeless look. Neuropathy: Sounds like a nerve problem, so we'd call it neuropathy. Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal pain disorder and has no known cause. You can find out more about the amazing health benefits and uses of bergamot essential oil by reading my article. Right behind my left armpit area. Never in my life had any skin issues, rashes, sensitivity whatsoever. Hi Robert, I stumbled on this article, due to my symptoms that totally mimic your symptoms. This was one of the things the rheumatologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia explained to me. Most painful, ( luckily) is right under the bra line, so wearing a bra isnt to bad. Fibromyalgia. Hi Amanda! To manage the pain and swelling, corticosteroids, pain relievers, ice packs, and pressure may help. A few weeks ago I started to get pain in my upper right arm also experiencing tingling in that arm, down to my fingers. Getting back on top of diabetes management, adding more vitamin B12, stopping toxin exposure, or resolving the kidney or liver dysfunction can allow the nerve damage to heal, for instance. About six weeks ago I had elective surgeryto remove my gallbladder. An example of a skin disease is skin cancer. When people think of sensitive skin, they often imagine someone whose face is prone to redness from beauty products. Take some time out to relax, listen to music, or have a massage. I also have dermatitis, it flares up from time to time and the cream clears it quickly. However, allodynia is a symptom rather than a unique condition so the name on its own doesnt answer what causes your skin to hurt. Never figured out whats causing it though. However, there are many conditions that may cause sensitive skin. Thanks for your comment and feedback. However Im not a doctor, and its beyond my ability and knowledge to give specific advice or diagnosis. Reasons Why Your Skin Is Sensitive to Touch or Hurts When Touched 1. Excellent points that we will be sure to keep in mind for future posts. At first I thought shingles due to the location, but never developed a rash. 1. There are many potential causes for sudden skin sensitivity, like exposure to allergens or contact dermatitis, chronic conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, or acute trauma from excess sun exposure. pressure or tension on the scalp.. I find it fascinating that the chickenpox virus moves to the dorsal root ganglion where it remains latent indefinitely. Like the chicken pox, shingles does not have a specific cure. Its been going on 3 years now. For intense pain, you can apply warm and cold compress on the affected area to soothe the pain. Skin Is Sensitive to the Touch Causes and Possible Treatments was last modified: April 24th, 2018 by Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. Research has shown that Manuka honey can be used to treat shingles just as effectively as antiviral drugs.10 Another study showed that honey is just as effective as acyclovir in treating the herpes simplex virus.11 Acyclovir is commonly used to treat outbreaks of shingles. I also have an enlarges tricuspid valve and get inflamation but I do treat it soonest. Allodynia is when the skin hurts to touch in response to things that shouldnt normally cause a pain response; the usual examples are clothing or temperature changes. havent had an attack in 10 years, My condition (?) Makes me nervous as I have been struggling with anxiety and do the usual . For example . This mild soap cleanses your baby's delicate skin thoroughly without making it dry. There is no specific treatment for migraine-induced allodynia, so your normal migraine medication or home treatment is the primary option. maybe shingles? 1. During times of heightened stress and anxiety, you may find that your skin becomes more sensitive to touch. Much like the chicken pox, shingles can cause intense itching, so treatments such as calamine lotion or oatmeal baths are also recommended. Sensitive skin refers to skin that's easily irritated by products or the environment. MY INNER THIGH FEELS BRUISED BUT ISN'T AND EVEN THE TOUCH OF MY SLACKS MAKES IT HURT. I have that similar feeling. For other readers who are interested to read more about weighted blankets, please refer to my article Why Weighted Blanket Helps with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Autism, and More (Evidence Based). Any suggestions? pale skin so cold to the touch. This also helped relieve pain caused by shingles.17. I am 71, exercise at least 5 days a week, eat well, non-smoker-never, couple of beers a week, take generic for flomax, mild blood pressure [not sure we have this properly balanced]. However, that doesnt sum up or explain a sensitive skin thoroughly. tegretol helped it. Depending on the cause, neuropathy can be cured if addressed promptly enough. I cannot currently wear a bra as my skin is so sensitive i do not feel run down or any of the other symptoms associated with shingles so its not that. - my skin looks completely normal. I am having the same problem. Touching it almost feels like its burning and when Im not, Id compare it to the feeling of an open wound. I cant figure out what is going on. Milk protein relaxes the nervous system and muscles. I am very sorry to hear about your condition and I can imagine how disruptive it is to your daily life. Other symptoms induced by this chronic pain, such as fatigue or depression, can be addressed medically or with your preferred mode of pick-me-up. According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Lyme disease can cause allodynia which can appear months to years after being infected.15. Besides having autism spectrum disorder, level 1, I also have a hypersensitive nervous system. Fibromyalgia is a widespread musculoskeletal pain disorder with no known cause. I am in the middle of a second occurrence of my skin really hurting. Very sensitive to the slightest touch. This just happened to me 3 days ago! My right arms skin is sensitive to touch but also have a tingling kind of pain that I am aware of the whole time.My fingers also sometimes feel painful, but not so bad that I can not use them. Breast Cancer 101 Part I What Is Breast Cancer, Types and How to Identify? When skin hurts to touch, it means your nerves are oversensitive or your brain is overreacting to stimulus. Red Food Dye 40 Foods May Be Triggering Your IBD Symptoms, Study Finds, New Study Shows COVID May Be Reactivating Viruses in the Body. Schedule an appointment as that extra skin sensitivity is likely to interfere with your day-to- day activities. According to Mayo clinic. My left side between my shoulder and shoulder blade has felt as if i have terrible sunburn but there is zero rash for last 8 days. The American Academy of Family Physicians says that good nutrition, regular sleep, and low-impact aerobic exercise can help to ease your symptoms.2. I currently am dealing with this issue again, which usually comes during winter months. Its as if the whole body has ants crawling all over it. It is quite easy to test if you have the symptoms of sore skin or skin that is sensitive to touch. Fibromyalgia is a complex condition which is associated with chronic pain and one of its symptoms is skin that hurts, even if you barely touch it. I hope you have found some relief. from calf up to top of thigh, 2 days later my skin feels as if it has sunburn, when touhed. Im having the exact same issue! Just the tops and no where else. So, even things like a breeze, brushing light material against the skin, or gently touching the skin can cause pain and sensitivity. to blow my head off. Fatigue. It starts on one side of my body and gradually moves to the other side. Still no relief. I Hope you find relief and I will follow this to see what Your Dr had to say about this Horrible Condition. Migraines can lead to the condition of skin sensitive to touch, but it can vary from person to person. Join our online community by clicking here. If the sunburn is accompanied by high fever, extreme pain, confusion, chills, headache, or nausea, if pus or red streaks appear from an open blister, or the pain and swelling increase, inform your doctor. Sensitive skin is very treatable and may require a visit to the dermatologist. Skin that is sensitive to the touch is a frustrating, and sometimes, unbearable condition which can cause people discomfort and pain. Clothes touching it was very painful, ibuprofen helps pain. I still experience some slight pain in my lower left side of my neck when I lean it over to the right. Sounds like Fibromyalgia and /or RA?!? I guess rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and MS arent completely out of the picture. Hope someone is able to explain or guide me on what to do. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! However, it can be hard to figure out just why your skin feels sensitive or even painful. More and more evidence points to small fiber neuropathy in autoimmune disease. Symptoms During The Prodromal Stage. My arm looks like it normally does. 19. Our skin can provide helpful information to us and our medical team about exposure to toxins, potential conditions, and any acute skin trauma we may have experienced. I have the exact same feeling on my right side around my shoulder blade. The result is that the skin is very sensitive to the touch. All Rights Reserved. Merry Christmas! More like a tingle pain . Crowding does it, loud sounds will do it, somebody walking by me and banging me in the back too many times will do it. Any contact with the area feels exactly as if I'm touching raw tender skin (probably less painful) and the discomfort seems to be just skin-deep. Extreme mood swings. Allergic reactions on the skin often present themselves in the form of an itchy, red rash, also known as hives. Allergic reactions range in severity with some resulting in anaphylactic shock and others presenting with mild discomfort, itching or skin that hurts to touch or rub. However, there are many conditions that may cause sensitive skin. It feels like your skin can feel overly sensitive. Sensitive or tender skin is a serious health condition that requires proper medical attention. I do this when I am anemic. Ive been diagnosed with Sensory Polyneuropathy. In the case of sunburn, stop going outside under a harsh sun. Ive had pain in this area before but nothing like this. Also some people bruise more easily than others, so its really hard to say what had caused the bruising and pain in your case, although it seems quite logical that sleeping on the affected side of the body on a hard mattress contributed to the pain. Shingles or herpes can do this, but if it has been going on for 2 weeks I'd expect there to be spots or bumps or something showing on the skin by now. Most people who have sensitive skin notice occasional or frequent itching, burning and stinging of patches of skin. You can use soothing creams and cold packs depending on the area affected. Skin sensitive to touch no rash can be a frustrating and painful condition. New Study Shows COVID May Be Reactivating Viruses in Long COVID Added to List of Autoimmune Diseases: Heres Parosmia After COVID: Heres What You Can Expect, Antiviral Paxlovid May Lower Long COVID Risk, Antibodies Identified May Make Coronavirus Vaccines Unnecessary. Also, Plaquenil is an itch inducer. At the moment my stomach and (man) boobs are very sensitive. After youve contracted chickenpox, the virus remains inactive in your body. A number of pain conditions can make you hypersensitive to pain, like migraines, diabetes, shingles, and complex regional pain syndrome. The journal Current Neuropharmacology says that allodynia can affect some diabetics so much that touching the skin causes extremely severe pain.13, Diabetes should be managed under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please let us know what the neurologist says. If you suffer from migraines, you may find that your skin becomes hypersensitive during a migraine attack. It is important to work together with your medical practitioner to manage the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. However, there are medical issues that can affect the nerves and blood vessels of the scalp and these can lead to debilitating scalp pain symptoms.Regardless of the source, most causes of scalp pain are benign and treatable once proper medical . Having skin sensitive to touch may be a sign of an underlying condition, such as some of the ones mentioned here. Also, please try asking this question in our new Facebook community. I am anemic as well! Read these related articles: However, doctors generally agree that making lifestyle changes like losing weight, being more active, and having a healthy well-balanced diet can help to manage the symptoms of diabetes.14. this skin pain is different. Allodynia, or pain on the skin, is feeling pain from something that does not typically cause or elicit pain. In people who have previously had the chicken pox, the virus can sometimes reappear years later as shingles. skin. There are medications and treatments that can help you cope with the pain. Dermatitis is a general term covering different types of skin inflammation. Finger paresthesia can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases, disorders or conditions. Whether or not it feels like flu in the very beginning, the most telling first symptom of shingles typically is the pain. Hi, Off and on I experience pain along my eyebrows or just above them (to touch). Despite bug spray, I pick a lot of ticks off of myself every year. So basically it's just skin that hurts and is super sensitive to touch. Just wondering if its normal. Article Sources Im in good health and take vitamins religiously. Using calamine lotion or oatmeal baths after having a shower can help alleviate this condition. I take Ibuprofen when I have a flare-up. Increased risk factors include being older than 50 years of age and having a weakened immune system. Phoebe Brown is a freelance writer in the spheres of health, travel, fitness and lifestyle. The reason why just a light touch causes the skin to be sore seems to be the fact that the brain interprets these signals as pain. When the skin hurts to touch even with the slightest brushing or touching of a light material, it is said to be extra sensitive. The bodys pain receptors get extra sensitive and develop a skin sensitive to touch. I was on and off it a lot and 1 doctor prescribed me 80 mgs a day and to wean slowly. These conditions are systemic, affecting the entire body. Soak a gauze in Manuka honey and place it directly onto the affected skin area to treat the virus that causes shingles and to soothe your painful skin. Dr. Donald Colantino answered Internal Medicine 62 years experience There you can find practical advice on how to fix it. Also the natural supplement D-ribose can help to improve energy production to alleviate chronic fatigue. Tami. Burning sensation on the skin can be caused by various conditions; some are light and may go away on their own, while some others may be rather serious and need medical care. Under this condition, there is nothing wrong with the skin or nerves, but the brain does not interpret the information correctly. I hope this touch sensitivity goes away soon. It awful when I move the area. Shingles are described as a painful, blistering rash on the skin that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. A journal of neurology. Information for patients living with fibromyalgia. Surgeon / Neurological Surgery Dr. Mark is online now Related Medical Questions I'm a male 37 and I have a soft distinct pouch area on my Please let us know what your Neurologist says as it may help someone else. Just moving my arm causes the pain to come like when I move my hand it causes the skin to scratch maybe. I apologize I cannot be more helpful but I dont want to do more harm than good. Did you get the two-tier Lyme Disease test, to include Western Blot? This new illness causes bouts of pain, burning, numbness or tingling along the skin, an increased sensitivity to touch, a red rash that appears after the onset of the pain, and blisters that eventually burst and crust over. Sign Up for the Latest Health News and Tips. But now the condition is chronic and systemic with no symptoms. hi In addition, symptoms normally only affect one side of your body, often in a band across your skin. Problem, so treatments such as some of the picture is likely to interfere your... Had an attack in 10 years, my condition (? condition of skin sensitive to touch specific for. Avoid a dry, lifeless look 3 times a week painful, ibuprofen helps pain soothing creams and packs. Condition, there are many conditions that may cause sensitive skin whole has... D-Ribose can help block the cells for herpetic pain to be an effective natural remedy to stress. 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