Now, if women are responsible for this as well, then I call upon all those people who claim that men and women are the same and both are just as bad, to give us some examples of female inventors of deadly weaponry and weapons of mass destruction. One thing I don't know if you realize is that women are equally violent in their personal relationships as men. Lengthy formalities The insurance claims usually have lengthy legal formalities. You also asked what is a patriarchal political party, it is simple, a political party ruled and controlled by men. There would be a place for every good human being on the face of this earth, with no one left behind. You insist this is true,". This is because the patrirachal power is all about competitiveness and aggression. This is why the gap between rich and poor is growing all the time. It discourages the education of women in the majority of rural areas. But women are likewise motivated by their maternal instinct. When there are no alternatives and when the very concept of masculinity and femininity as they are called, are not questioned what then can you expect? Don't you think that's crazy? It is men who start these wars or civil wars and it is men who fight in them. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top. (10) A male-only priesthood gives men the sense that they have something unique to contribute, and encourages them to serve others. I am not man basing when i say these things, they are facts. Are you saying that people are intentionally voting for uncaring politicians? As a result, supporters of patriarchy pay no heed to preserve nature. it should be obvious that we need to try and see if the other sex can do a better job in doing this.. More blatant sexism. The saying goes "the mother makes the man". Hi girlwriteswhat, You are obviously ignoring the evidence that men have been ruling the world for the last five thousand years, through force and violence. However, I don't understand what you may be gaining here by persistantly arguing with people whom you will never agree with and who will also never agree with you in return, I mean, do you love being in needless conflict with individuals who's views of the world are different from yours? There has never been a time, in recorded history, when men were not fighting a war somewhere on our planet. And I said before, women haven't had to fight because they had men to do the fighting for them. Which is what happens when men rule our world. You are not prepared to argue on the main points and try to divert the argument onto side issues of little importance. You are incapable of seeing women as human beings, who are fallible, who make mistakes, who make shitty decisions of their own free will, and who own their own lives and the decisions they make. It's pathetic and small minded for a man, such as myself to think he is above a woman, the same goes for women who think they are superior. The tragedy of all this will be, that the new goverments the people have laid down their lives to bring in, will not be any better than the last goverments. Men do a terrible job in ruling our world. This means that if we had matriarchal governments, where the vast majority of the members of the government were women, then this government will be dominated by womens maternal instinct. Economic advantage. Donald Trump and whatever arm candy he's with at the moment is a perfect example of this. Males dominate those, because they have a greater interest in them. Take my life for example, I am a woman who seeks to make a major difference in the world someday in a rather revolutionary way, I am a multi-racial, multi-ethnic woman of color, who is a lesbian, and a transvestite, I am the proud daughter of a strong Matriarchal women, and belong to none of the patrarchal Abrahamic religions, I freely believe in a higher power that I identify as "The Great Cosmic Mother," and for most of my life I've been treated as a social outcast; absolutely nothing has come easy for me; my very existence as something that every single society on face of this earth hates (and would if they had the power brutally kill) has been paved through hardship! Is that in the hands of men or women? With all do respect, I do not understand the overall purpose as to why you come to a hubpage that has existed for a couple years now, that supports the vision of a Matriarchal society, a subject that you are not only against but haven't the slightest idea save for your own theoretical assumptions as to what exactly a true Matriarchy is and what it would look like, given the fact that many rather arrogant individuals agree that there never existed in the history of written literature a Matriarchy. William Bond (author) from England on August 14, 2011: I can see by your comments that you are a Feminist who believes that men and woman are the same. I have no idea why I seem to be the only person saying this. Hence it is matrilineal in descent. Disadvantages Of An MRI Scan. We can only change this for the better by allowing women to rule our world. "The fact is that is it nearly always men who fight in wars or commit genicide.". Do you have any idea the kind of moral hazard involved in putting people in charge whom society is not prepared to hold accountable for their actions? However, you are not making a difference by indirectly saying "fuck you" to everyone who does not nor will not ever agree with you, instead you are doing the complete opposite. It is important to know more about these two concepts. Off course i cannot say how matrairchy will operate simply because in recorded history we have very little knowledge of how matriarchy works. However, in the year it took to clear your husband of any wrongdoing, he's become a stranger to the children. But women do have brains, and are capable of outsmarting men.. 3. War and genocide has been commonplace in patriarchal history. Men can continue to be scientists, engineers and mechanics in a matriarchal society. But the people who create these doctrines of hate and intolerance are always men. you need to go and learn about wild animals then you will see the differences between males and females. Even removing the largest single univariate difference (sensitivity), there remained only a 24 percent overlap. Yes, patriarchy do use women's maternal instincts against them, suggesting that her nurturing instinct make women too 'weak' and emotional to make sensible decisions. You dont like men much do you? Try to educate yourself before making such sweeping generalizations. These men have taken all the wealth of the land to themselves and shared them out only to those who will support their rule. When mothers stay home with their children, their children will end up happier. Once men realised that women could be dominated by violence, it opened the Pandora's box that allowed men to dominate the whole planet. The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. And now you've also declared women naturally less intelligent than men. Males of all species know that individuals can be controlled by violence. This was harmful to your children. Most women who do this do it to acquire de facto physical custody of the children the man will then be prevented from contacting (there's your awesome maternal instinct, depriving children of a loving father), and to gain physical custody and control of the home and assets (there's your "women are not greedy like those awful men"). Women know this too. Society is comprised of both men and women, patriarchy is the way of nature, biology, and God's Will. By Silvia Azaa Gutirrez B.Sc., M.Sc. I suppose the difficulty for men is that if they have a problem it is easier to use force and violence to solve the it, rather than the complication of trying to work it out in other ways. If our ancestors had been pacifists, we would not be here today. Most males or men are leaders, whether in the family or at work. Perpetrating your own violence entails accepting enormous risks. Women have a larger instinct for consumption *because* they have a maternal instinct--they have a need to acquire material wealth and secure an income stream exactly because they will have children they must provide for. You have no idea the number of news stories I read where a woman who murders her own children doesn't even serve a day in prison, because we externalize her bad act and blame it on anyone but her. If poverty can be elimination, then crime for both black and white men will be greatly reduced. I worked within the black community for many years. A world ruled by women, is far less likely to go to war.. In a monarchy, both would be expected. You can't even attempt to question your beliefs can you? Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. As long as you don't see what's wrong with that, then there's not point in discussing it. Afterward, the men proceeded to mutilate her, and finally burn her limbs. In the process of helping the children they will within a generation, also help everyone else in the country they rule, When matriarchy is discussed, some people mention Margaret Thatcher and point out they she wasnt a very caring leader, so it seems all women are judged by her actions, but we wish to explain that a female leader of a patriarchal political party, is not a Matriarchal government. Which is just a better wording of what I said earlier. The problem of all governments is the ability to govern all people and discriminating against all men would fail. This seems to be an overall trend of socio-historical development, which stems from few very basic aspects of human nature. Only sexists dont see anything wrong with it. You are incapable of seeing women as agents. Get over yourselves and realize that it takes both parties to make a functioning government and society. Actually human males care about a million times more about their offspring than almost all other species. Nobody's. "All women have a powerful maternal instinct, so the focus of any Matriarchal government will always be on children. You talked earlier about maternal instinct. It's not as if matriarchal societies of the past were ones where men did not exist, or spent their days knitting and doing their nails. Those men were certainly capable of organized fighting, if they were capable of taking down a muskox. Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. All the team members can share their ideas and distribute . For instance at present we have what is called the "Arab Spring" where people in the Middle East are getting fed up with their oppressive government and risking their lives to demostrate and fight their goverments. Are you going to say that is also a sexist remark? And what makes you think that to do this women had everything given to them, do you foolishly think that men just opened the doors and embraced women who wanted a position in their dominated careers with open arms? 4. ScaleupAlly . Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on July 05, 2012: Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? There is a much more justified and equal distribution of roles, responsibilities and duties. I think everyone is equal, men are not superior and neither are women. Nothing else. What about average women and average men? That motivation and competitiveness is a function of men *having to prove themselves self-sufficient, competent, and more useful and worthy than the next guy* in order to pursue a mate. Beach Weddings in Karachi are the New Trend. It is a system which benefits PATRIARCHS. You could make an enormous list of things that are virtually or exactly the same with both men and women. It would be far better if men stop looking for scapegoats for the world's problems and blame each other and look at themselves and men in general. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed? Very few women get involved in wars, genocide or even violent crime, compared with men. It make sense for our world to be rule by nuturing and maternal people and not the most competitive people like we have throughout our history. The practice of polyandry is very rare these days; it is thought to be practiced among the Bahama of Africa, Marquesan Islanders of Polynesia and The Tibetans. You say that warfare comes from competing cultures and I agree with this, but who are the people competing with each other? What is sexism however, and what I pointed out, is to claim that men are less capable of ruling the world because theyre men. Where women can behave like women and not have to act like competitive and ruthless men. In India from the Hindu mythology we learn that five pandavas had married Draupadi. We are equal mentally and physically, there couldn't be just women or just men in this world, it requires both to create an equal society. You need to look at what is happening to the world without the patriarchal blindfold. This gives rise to the question why. But men are simply attracted to women with good physical appearance and feminine attributes. Hi CSR , I care a lot about humans as individuals. By your logic, this statement would also be true; There have been great periods of peace during history. You are incapable of seeing women as agents. And yes, patriarchy has evolved to the degree we now have democracy in some countries of our world. that all are equal before the law), necessarily produces contradictions. It is short sighted and reactionary at best. Any of these 'males' with fandom fantasies are simply 'beta', weak men who are not attractive and will not pass on their genes. An MRI machine is a large cylindrical shape machine which has magnetic fields. I really do beleive its time for men to step aside and give women ago - how much worse could they do! It includes transferring the name, power, and authority towards the son. Start with kindergarten and work your way up from there. It is patrairchal rule that is holding back human progress, our world can never become a better place while men continue to rule it. This is what terrifies me about people like you. A perfect examply of man's brutality towards women and there intellect in those times. When do you people ever tire of bashing men as little more than violent primitive animals best kept in a zoo? Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age was destroyed by violent conquest. We have to be clear about this. Follow Us: One advantage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is its perceptive insight into human nature, a disadvantage is that the hierarchy fails to account for cultural or social differences between individuals. Matriarchal societies are consciously built upon these maternal values and motherly work, and this is why they are much more realistic than patriarchies. This so called typical division of labor among Neolitic and Paleolithic peoples are the biases of early archeological men. It is also weird that people don't see the total insanity of this. From penicillin to the MRI. Precisely! It enhanced cooperation and lowered risk as small, isolated bands of humans spread into new habitats and regions across the world, and was likely crucial to our survival and success. It is true some human men do help with caring for the young but many will also leave the female when she is pregnant or has his child and will strongly resist paying maintenance for his own children. Example of Neolocal Residence Two people meet at university and get married, moving into a new home together, without any additional family members. So why would women do a far better job in ruling our world than men? Almost people think that cancer, a condition of uncontrolled cell division, is the unsecured diseases. Men in power have been involved in these wars. I just think its time that we gave women a chance of ruling to see how it goes. People expect women at home to beget and nurture children, ignoring the world. Clearly, in the private sphere where women feel confident, they are fully capable of being every bit as aggressive and violent as men. Take the story of Hypatia for example, she was a woman of absolute genius who made such attainments in literature and science, as to far surpass all the philosophers of her own time. Stop pedestalizing us. Given that cultures have undergone a kind of social evolution since the beginning of civilization, the absence of any matriarchy could be taken as evidence that matriarchal societies are less prosperous. Mothers commit higher rates of physical abuse than fathers. So this means that while men ruled through violence and intimidation, patriarchy was the only option. If you want to live in a society where women rule, the Mosuo are there waiting for you in China, in their villages with no electricity or running water, and where livestock roam through the houses. "At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. As we will always be ruled by aggressive, ruthless and violent men. im sorry to say it but i dont think lucy83 reads what you write wabond. The fact is that when men rule our world, we have a world of violence, war and injustice. Patriarchal societies are traditionally male-dominated, while matriarchal societies are female-dominated. History has shown that one of the tell-tale signs that a civilization is on its last leg, is on its way to decadence is the collapse of family life. Quoting from the above study: "In univariate terms, the largest differences between the sexes were found in Sensitivity, Warmth, and Apprehension (higher in females), and Emotional stability, Dominance, Rule-consciousness, and Vigilance (higher in males).". matriarchy, hypothetical social system in which the mother or a female elder has absolute authority over the family group; by extension, one or more women (as in a council) exert a similar level of authority over the community as a whole. It is always men that are the most violent criminals, which is why prisons are full of men. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. It seems that even more enlighten male leaders like President Obama will still go to war, like we see in Libya. Hate yourself all you want but do not project your own feelings of inadequacy onto other men. William Bond (author) from England on August 13, 2011: I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. You stated that "most men who seek to invent or innovate are not "given" the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. The accomplishments of men are not the result of men being better. To me government should be about getting intellegent and caring people into positions of power. There are other cases like this, where male scientists have stolen the work of female scientists. Women who are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures. To rectify this disparity, gender equality professionals do not advocate for a matriarchy or for radical actions like for women to stage coup d'etats. I know men are good at blaming it on the Devil or other men and some even have the cheek to blame women. Animals do have a family like humans. The female holds privilege, power, authority, and control of wealth. But patriarchal propaganda doesn't like to acknowledge this. 4. If a man and a women go to a businessman with a new invention, which one do you think will get more respect? In Islamic countries they have a 'honour' system where is a women disobeys a man she dishonours him, and so to restore his 'honour' he has to kill her. This advantage gives the team more time to look at feedback, discuss progress, and identify roadblocks so that productivity still occurs. The public will also have to be re-educated to want to vote for geniune caring and nuturing women. It has to live in its pristine form. This woman should be honored for her accomplishments, and I will do more research into her life in the future. It might interest you to know that acid attacks in places like Cambodia are mostly perpetrated by women, out of jealousy? So women are not driven to want to fight and compete with other people in the same way men are. The property would be with the daughter after the death of her mother. So, for better computation and faster speed, the solution was to make different systems work together in harmony to solve a particular problem. The fact is that if you allow men to rule countries, as history shows, they have a tendency to want to conquer, invade or start wars, with other countries. A society where the female member leads a family is called matriarchy, and the female head of the family is called the matriarch. Here are some of the disadvantages of insurance: 1. I'm saying it may not be because of the genitalia of the rulers. As for saying a lot of these acts of male violence is caused by women. Body paragraph 1 should state the advantages of the topic. Patriarchy also means giving power and dominance to men over women. "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". The Afican-Amercan culture is a matriarchy and very violent. you must answer to this video..Mr.Wabond..still u are saying women are not cruel????? Motherhood is a damn proud thing for every living creature on this earth, not every mother protects her offspring in the same way and not every male protects and defends, or is even there for his. Until then, have a nice life.". The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world. There has never been in history a case of an Amazon army of women that set out to conquer the world, but this has happened many times with men. If you're going to judge half the human population, at least take all things into consideration. I never get the same problems with men. We need to be ruled by women with a powerful maternal instinct who will love and nurture the people they rule. It is also theorized that some of the earliest socities like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu were possibly Matriarchal-Egalitarian societies, they were also said to be technologically advance beyond their time. Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. Hey you, go take that group's stuff and give it to me so my kids will have a successful upbringing!". ". To rise to power within a female only political system would require being just as competitive and ruthless as in anywhere else. Copyright @2022 All Right Reserved Designed and Developed by Maven Logix, Patriarchy Vs Matriarchy: Understanding the Difference, Pros and Cons of Patriarchy vs Matriarchy, Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions, The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to, 20 Things That Pakistani Millennials Miss From Their Childhood. Do you even realize what you just said? There are no good guys or bad guys in our world there are only violent men who are as bad as each other. It is crazy to say men and women are the same. As for the idea of women being as violent as men if given the chance of getting into power. Hi girlwriteswhat, Where have I ever said that I think women are perfect!? Sure, I can't force you to respond and if you wish to continue preaching the same lines over and over again, I'm not here to stop you. but I do not exclude myself in being able to think and say what is in my mind.. For instance many men have attempted to create equal societies with socialism and communism but totally failed because their competitive instincts got in the way of this. Because the most ruthless, aggressive and competitive people tend to get into positions of power in patriarchal countries. In other words, all the resources provided by nature are for exploitation. Another strawman. Tyranny is easier to form in the structure of a monarchy. And so, it has indeed been men who have been responsible for such inventions that humanity tends to boast about, however these "inventions" that we all use have only primarily benefited one species, the human species at the expense of all life on earth, the very life that we depend on to survive. All Matriarchal socities did indeed have men, this is commmon sense however that doesn't necessarily mean that because they are men they were naturally depended upon to do the hunting and the women stay at home and do nothing but lay there pregnant, what crap! So you got it right on one count (patriarchy - social system that benefits PATRIARCHS), but wrong on the other (failing to mention that men don't need to be liberated from their restrictive, rigid gender role). "But if we had women rule the world, they would want to train men from the time they are children, to be loving and caring human beings.". If so, then, in all likelihood, more female power would lead to more male competition, not less. If she got her brothers to come and do this, they'd be arrested for unlawful restraint, but because she goes through ex parte legal channels and has the police do this on her behalf, it's legal. When i talk about brainwashing what i mean is that i find it really incredible that men have ruled our world for thousands of years and in that time we have wars, genicide and poverty, but you tell me that it may not have nothing to do with male rule!? In the west, we already have a partial matriarchy with respect to the base unit of society--the black community in the US, where over 70% of children are raised without fathers. This can make some people feel claustrophobic. Yet this is what patriarchal government produce all the time. They are isolated, poor, lack electricity or running water. However, cancer stops this process. This is also true of other sports where there is not a lot of difference in the way male kangaroos box each other and the way men fight in a boxing ring. Want to disagree with me? Throughout history women have shown, they are far less aggressive and violent than men, even, though they have been brutalised by men of violence. So not only does a matrairchal government has to convince the voters they are better than the existing goverments, they have to demostrate they are a better than the existing system when they are in power or they will be voted out of office. In other words, all the resources provided by nature are for exploitation. The advantages of patriarchy are that it assigns leadership. Like it or not, men make terrible rulers of our world, the whole of history proves this. Patriarchy, on the other hand, is a social system, wherein males enjoy all the powers, control, and authority, and women are given subordinate roles. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement . "so if it has nothing to do with men, then whose fault is it? Please don't make it other people's problem. Surely you don't want people like that to run the world. This is because most of the wealth and important jobs are in the hands of men. For example: There have been many wars in history. Some of the strongest advocates of patriarchy are women. 18 Transgender Attended Class in Gulgasht Colony, Could This be a Great Dance of Hunger: Transgenders in Pakistan. "but you tell me that it may not have nothing to do with male rule!? Saying that people do a far better job in ruling our world of these of! The name, power, authority, and authority towards the son a much justified! Simply because in recorded history, when men rule our world than men where male scientists stolen... A far better job in ruling our world violent primitive animals best kept in a society..., men are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures i. It seems that even more enlighten male leaders like President Obama will still go to a with! Are equally violent in their personal relationships as men finally burn her limbs violence, war and injustice work! About a million times more about their offspring than almost all other.. 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