Their convictions were upheld because the original sentencing judge presided over the appeal hearing(s). Damian Seth Azariah's father is best known for being a member of the West Memphis Three, a gang of youths suspected of a triple murder. I think you have a point, he might get fed up with thelabel of retardation (especiallysince Echols is in the habit of calling him that retarded kid on national television). Can you imagine how the parents feel after seeing this narcissistic soulless pig go free while their children never got to live their lives? The other side did the same thing when this happened and without doing any real investigation, they believed it was devil worshipers running wild Damien Echols spent nearly 20 years on death row, for a crime he said he didn't commit, the murder of three young boys in West Memphis back in 1993. The original jury, yea the one that acted with gross misconduct, found Echols guilty why shouldnt you? Why did he confess AFTER he was convicted? But you know, Im not going to sit here and say that they were railroaded for being weird, or blame the arrests on black clothes and Metallica. I personally believe a lot of people have been deceived by the coverage of this case. They lie so much and every lie they provided collapses. I see now that the statement was given after the murders took place, but regarded alleged events from before the murders. Ritual books? However, I think that Jacobys DNA being found at the site is extremely curious. boys thats mighty Christian of you all (there was one man in the movie the $300 bucks to get his electricity turned on? Domini Teer was born on November 21, 1976. i mean literally 2 i.q. Testimony was given by the Hollingsworth family that they could identify Damien Echols and Domini on the road beside robin hood woods covered in mud on the evening of the boys dissapearance(a detailed description was given by all). The only possible culprits were 18-year-old Damien Echols, a poor teen with an interest in the occult and a record of mental illness, his friend Jason Baldwin, a quiet kid whose talent for art tended toward dark subjects, and Jessie Misskelley, a 17-year-old misfit with an IQ of 73. I cant say for sure they did it, but if I had been on the jury I would have convicted them and been confident doing so. Echols' CHILD SACRIFICE DRAWING Almost EVERY kid who knew Echols back then thought ECHOLS WAS RESPONSIBLE for the murders. Sorry but DNA evidence proves his innocence you jackass. Damien Echols Hardly surprising if some of the kids raised in such an environment ended up less than sane. Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 7:00pm. Damien Echols is my childs godfather. While supporters yell that the three could not have done the crime as Of course they werent! Seems a bit , oh, I dont know, childish for a crime reporter. The problem is that the tunnel-vision created by that history never allowed them to look anywhere else. I hate to say this but in a case with little evidence like this I would of been a fan of making a deal that would of been very good for Baldwin if he would confess and testify against Echols. It is 6am and I had no sleep, I just stupidly wrote Jason Baldwin where I meant Eric Harris. I completely agree with everything youve said. I am studying to be a criminal forensic investigator and this case is fascinating to me and I would love to know how a new jury, knowing nothing about this case, would see all of the evidence or lack thereof. By the way that mail order PhD you speak of also has degrees from several well known brick and mortar universities and has trained under some pretty impressive criminal investigators but since they left that out of the movie Im sure you think Im lying. I was contacted by one of the victims family members, not the suspects. Everybody has a different story and that is the problem. I have watched all documentaries. Awesome, so not only have we established your argument is based on stereotypes, but now it can be confirmed that it is also made on baseless assertions. And while it may be my amateur opinion you may want to look up this thing called criminal profiling. Unless you are Gods greatest gift (I promise you are NOT) and can look at someone and know they are a killer you have no concrete evidence. Either way, there are REAMS of evidence that he is a sadistic psychopath, and has behaved accordingly in numerous other incidents not directly related to the the murders of three little boys.. I am not from the Free the WM3 camp, nor the send them back to jail and let them burn in hell brigade. Have you ever met Damien/Jason/Jesse????? Now, Im horrified theyve been released. In fact, he has also written several books. Tina Gill try reading through the case files and stop relying on biased documentaries. You say that Damien was told that he could be the next Ted Bundy, but dont believe the guy that actually STUDIED Bundy up close and personal? AL Simon, you need to get your facts straight Where the hell are you getting that Hobbs was the last one to see the boys? Get a second job Something you would be good at, because this isnt it. The Miskelley confessions really bother me. are responsible, either, although they support the most logical scenarios in terms of brutal child murders. places, enjoy a trip to Disney world, while Jessie struggles to find The first reason is that to me the West Memphis 3 fit the profile of school shooters.. I very seriously doubt there are many bloggers who dont know me and my posts and how passionate I can get about certain cases and when I heard this one,It killed me that three little boys were murdered and SIX little boys lives were taken and the killer roams free and thought I knew everything there was to know about the case and i constantly put the word out about the Injustice that was done by the WMPD and I say all this because as of Friday/Saturday around 2:am I became a Non -Supporter ( alittle to late now) by reading about the case as it actually happened and there was no doubt in my mind that they are guilty! Circumstantial evidence is legal evidence NUMBNUTZ. Living just a county away in a town of 250, I once asked an older farmer if he was aware of the casehe wasI then asked him if they were guiltyhe answered oh yeahthen I asked him why he thought sohe replied they were devil worshippers. While I respect all walks of life and the lifestyles of others I must say I loathe being labeled by some individuals as in this category. Ive been working on his genealogy for a long time, and his Arkansas kin do not have the Byers surname. From a legal perspective, there is no bias, despite who is delivering the info. Endless opportunities. The Ballards accusation that they heard Hobbs yelling at the boys is suspect since she didnt come forward until how many years later? Im sure you realize, with your vast experience and sharp intellect they werent saying that mr. Bojangles did it. AT ALL???? Echols has some serious underlying mental issues that I think are going to lead to an eventual decompensation and return to violent behavior. Why do supporters ignore his 500 page psych report as well the fact that he was fascinated with aleister Crowley who is a well know satanist NOT WICCAN. So Im not sureI could really glean any actual info from the book,other than the fact that hes a huge liar, which I already know. Hollywood director Peter Jackson announced last week he secretly Shannon, I have to ask because of your last name. If he was innocent there would be no need at all to lie in so many interviews past or present. The WM3 supporters are just as guilty of the same intolerance they accuse the other side of. And yes, he did kill those kids. And there are many more chilling accounts including Chris Byers older brother who heard splashing in the water when searching for his little brother and friends in the woods after dark and fled, on the evening of the boys disapearance(indicating someone was still at the crime scene during the search). They would have had to put me to death before I would have copped to killing 3 boys. These clues do not point to an angry stepfather. My formal education is in the sciences, chemistry and biology, to be specificthe only reason I say that is because science trains you to reach conclusions by applying logic based on facts without passion for a particular result, no matter the question. the convictions at all, considering the pure lack of any real evidence and the Not animals, people. A lawyer for Damien Echols has filed a new court motion continuing to press a prosecutor and West Memphis police for evidence from the prosecution of Echols and two others for the 1993 deaths of . Notice I made no mention of anything even remotely occult related. Until then, when you almost did. Look it up, dude. Misunderstood goth persecuted by Bible Belters my a**. ), and I really hope it stays that way, but Im not sure how much that cancontrol illness of that magnitude. I just wish that the Authority would not of reacted so fast and arrest the 3 until they had more evidence. The kids were found naked and underwater. Echols (why did he change his name? You are either insane or delusional. He wont give up his fame (infamy) on something stupid. Sorry but you cant just guess who did it. and like it or not, they thumbed their nose at you just like that prosecutor ellington did to us by doing so. runs/started. And can anyone explain to me in Laymans terms what the Alford plea is. Have to say I feel for all the families Im not even going to entertain devil worship mumbojumbo. Michael Moore, Stevie Branch and Chris Byers may you rest in peace If I am correct we have a very serious situation to contend with being that they have fooled a huge audience to follow their cause and donate money their foundations. Damien Echols (born December 11, 1974) is famous for being movie actor. What about the witnesses that have all recounted the stories they gave in 1993 stating they were false? Since youre obviously mentally incapable of grasping my comment Ill spell it out for you. In a nutshell, three boys, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Jason Baldwin, were accused of brutally murdering three eight-year-old boys. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. !), another Jeffrey McDonald. johnny depp. Still no alibi for the three after all these years. Quiet, shy kid who liked Metallica and loved to draw. I cant decide if shes a prison groupie, or just a very greedyschemer who never counted on hubby actually getting out. I have to admit I know less than nothing about this case. Damien Echols is a wack job. Ignore this crap. Its detecting large amounts of copy and paste in this comment. But railroading still happens far too often, and Im glad to see thats changing, with increased accountability for police officers. Also, Christopher Byers dad was a drug informant. Im not a lawyer but from what I understand an Alford plea is the same as pleading no contest. Weve also executed a hell of a lot of innocent people over the years. Welcome to the year 2012. Moves a lot? not conducive to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, those on death row I find it hard to believe that someone capable and sick enough to commit such an act could possibly contain himself for so long, unless he were incarcerated, or dead. Echols, through his Arkansas-based attorney, Patrick Benca, asked police and prosecutors in May of 2020 to do new DNA testing on key pieces of evidence that were collected. Job shadow a detective, a prosecutor and a public defender for a few months, Jeff. And no. . days later and will come again In communion you are given the body and blood of So like I said earlier had the WM3 been born 5 to 10 years later than they were their names would have probably been spoken in the same terms as Eric Harris and Cho Seung Hui instead of the convicted multiple child killers that they are. After one of his arrests possibly when he threatened to murder his stepfather, mother and sister he got sent to the psych ward.. for one of the many appeals the defense unsuccessfully attempted the psychiatrist Dr. Woods wrote up a frightening analysis of Damiens mental health. Have you interviewed and spoken to every single WM3 supporter in the entire world or is this speculation based on obsessive internet research? That was a waste of three minutes off my life. So far, she has been unsuccessful, but she vows to keep trying. This is mostly conjecture. grows tired of his own weird family? Leave them alone. And by facts do you mean the ones that were left out of the movies? This scenario rang true for me. Where was the investigation on him? Well unless youre a brainless dolt who refuses to look at anything that might prove that youre wrong about something. Are you actually psychic? How sad!! I dont trust anyone with my children. ). defendants. Michael Moore, Steven Branch and Christopher Byers are not winners in this case. According to Echols, the movie drove a wedge between the two of them. Not bloodthirsty, and not someone whod have killed like this without the other twos lead. you seem to get your knickers in a knot spamming this page with your nonsense and hate. Im guessingby the stupidity of your postings you all might be related to them corrupt no good bastards. These 3 convicted murders got caught. Whats funny (at least to me) is that the solicitations for donations to continue testing and investigation havent raised a single red flag with supporters. Nope, this author would have you believe that none of the celebrity WM3 supports are as educated on this case as he is. The justice system is impressively lax on child killers this year. I guess their choice to play it cool (as seen in another you-tube video with Damien and Echols talking about who follows who) was their own downfall if they are truly innocent. The thing is now that you made this page, and its a free country, and Im permitted to leave my comment, I would like to let you know what I think Superficial charm, easily lies, no conscience, thinks himself superiorall of it. When Damien devil child kills that wife of his what will say? HBO has its take, believers of the justice system have theirs. please go read callahan and educate yourself. Mores the pity. going to protest anyones innocence or guilt, DNA has come a long way and still Does anyone find it odd that Damien and Jason jet set to far away Two of the three mothers dont believe they were guilty, but we should believe your stereotyping instead? I find that you learn a great deal from how lies are told. During testimony Echols testified how he would have committed the killings if he was the killer. Jesus fucking Christ, Even I could fucking testify on how I would have committed the killings if I were the killer but I definitely didnt do it cos I was 12 years old and living in England. of Echols, Baldwin and Misskelly. The second reason is that Damien Echols was a known animal abuser who not only bragged about killing animals but a witness even testified about how Echols violently killed a sick dog. You ever taken a gander at the Innocence Projects statistics of how many people are exonerated every year, on Death Row and otherwise? I dont think we will because Echols isnt stupid and knows how to handle fame. But this case was Notice I made no mention of anything even remotely occult related. They were convicted and their convictions were upheld even by the state Supreme Court. I have not yet read all of the information to form an opinion on the subject. they were not found innocent and they did not plead innocent. As I said, if Echols were to have been born a decade later he more than likely would have been a school shooter. Face the facts, there are 3 child killers out there. Damien Echols currently lives in Harlem, New York City. Further, there are obvious questions with even all three of misskellys. The duo exchanged their vows in 1999, and they have a son, Damian Seth Azariah Echols. Like every journalist does every day for the past couple of centuries? Can the families of the victims sue these three for wrongful death in civil court, or does the Alford plea disallow that scenario? He has healing hands. I find your comment about loving to paralyze him just as disturbing as Mr. Echols himself actually. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. (But the second Im able to convince my husband that homeschooling might be a good idea, Ill be yanking them out and joining some homeschooling networks before he has a chance to change his mind.) Dont get me wrong, I fucking love an unsolved murder to read about. He does workshops that sell out quickly for his sycophantic fans. Anyone who can be a fan of a man who tortured three 8 year old boys to death in a Satanic sacrifice to gain power is a fool. Baldwin, 16, and Misskelley, 17, were sentenced to life in prison. If you are not a coward, which I think you are, write a book and cross your point. Hed better do it before ALL the DNA evidence is tested tho. Maybe he wastrying to prove himself in front of Echols, maybehe was justgenuinely so bloodthirsty, I dont know. First, there were SO many false statement. Hell the one who confessed was borderline mentally challenged. always play it safe because you never know and I truly think you assume things and you just dont know. He has zero conscience. May Allah bless the freed west memphis 3. They were sentenced to prison despite no solid proof that they committed the crimes. they promised to find the killer, have they? What do you make of him requesting new DNA testing? You people are complete morons.oh he killed an animal when he was young he must be guilty.get the f*** out of here. Damien Echols Creating Magick and Art Damien Echols Become a patron Select a membership level Supporter Limited ( 757 remaining) $1 / month Join or save 10% if you pay annually My heartfelt thanks and grattitude to you for your support. 15ish? Wow. Occultic/coven/satanic in nature??? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Misskelley will confess yet again (he has never actually stopped confessing Mike Allen said he was still confessing to his prison counselors). Get a life, some sense, and some compassion. That is NOT the way our justice system is supposed to work. If anyone still thinks that the three are innocentlook at some facts. Exactly! If you dont, youre not only nutty, but youd be considered a negligent parent. However, Jessie confessed to his own attorney after the court trial and everything was done and their was absolutely nothing to be gained by doing so. Its nice to see that not everyone kisses the ass of Damien Echols. Sadly the real perpetrator was never caught. The West Memphis Three are three men convicted as teenagers in 1994 of the 1993 murders of three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas, United States. Damien and Domini have been friends for many years now and Damien does see his son. DE comes off as another Scott Petersen, another Oswald (Im a Patsy! No one even considered any of this until the hair found could be a match to Hobbs, (not any of the WM3). I think its unfortunate that so many see this as a matter where you must either support the position that the WM3 were railroaded innocents or cold blooded killers who got off the hook (albeit after serving nearby 2 decades in prison). It is also my opinion that Domini Teer knows exactly what happened that night, as did L.G. Youre right. Once again you are grasping. No constitutional error. Your entire argument seems to hinge on well, it just seems like they were guilty! This whole thing is tragic. Also, are you even remotely familiar with the concept of innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Frankly, I think every single person, pro or non, that banters endlessly about the legalities of this case and ISNT a lawyer should just STFU already and get on with their lives. Its on a message board, but the opening post is all you need for finding your way around the 500.,26.0.html. I simply asked what you meant. Many people fit the profile of a school shooter without committing violence. bojangles? just look at their rallying call: This couldve been any of us. That would of been the only way to get to the bottom of this case. If they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they would have been prolific school shooters. The fact that you use the term nons leads me to believe that youre just as judgmental and zealous as you claim their detractors to be. . The entire case was originally a bunch of misinformation. He said they had been shown a photograph of the three boys on their bikes at a cult meeting prior to the murders (see his confessions at I cant believe I am still coming across these type of arguments against and for WM3 support. dont forget that he fell to the ground in tears on the advocacy film while Echols smiled and waved at the grieving families. That just goes to show where this guys mind is. id probably say 80% and they are still fighting to have the verdict reversed, your going to feel real dumb and your going to have to eat alot of crowif they get it reversed so think about that. They were all released because there is zero evidence against them. He had never been in trouble with the law. Another small tidbit before I go I think it was that, rather than anysignificant abilityofEcholss, that made the case what it is. A circuit judge has ordered . u must be in love with damien knowing you can never have him, it seems trench has stirred your feelings quite a bit for posting the truth with his opinion. In Yours For Eternity, Echols recounts how he came to fall in love with his now-wife, Lorri Davis. Even the worst writer would pick up a few things along the way. Are you implying that these facts were presented during the trial?? Christ???? Obviously our public schools are failing us. You can check out his Facebook page to hear his views on the topic and see how he has participated in protests against the death penalty. Im convinced. I would. Does this make him guilty? Therefore, their failure to prevail in the trial court stands. There was not ONE piece of evidence tying these kids to the crime other than a mentally challenged individual who had many of the most BASIC fact wrong. 2) They read the callahan case files. what is going through a persons mind to do so? You and reynolds boy here are the type that yell kill them now & we will investigate later. Boring and bad- changing societal perceptions to further there agendas behind the scenes i.e normalizing pedophilia, and mainstreaming the acceptance of satanism, They got youhook, line and sinker. West Memphis police just had it out for those three and needed to answer the angry parents!!! Ive always marveled at how the police think three teenagers could have committed such a crime and left so little physical evidence? REALLLLYY???? They shouldnt have just jumped for the arrest . Its actually scary and infuriating how *relatively* often that police coerce confessions through intimidation tactics, from people who are actually not guilty. Looked after his two brothers, had a mom who had mental troubles of her own. Nor, he has shared the details about his educational background. Bye. Why do prisoners I know nothing about psychology and psychiatry, but doesnt that meanitmight be completely out of his hands? They havent fooled me Trench. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It explains Jessie saying they had been shown a photo of the boys at the cult meeting, it explains L.G. as a juror you are asked to make your decision based on factual evidence beyond if they were so innocent, why the alford plea? Echols omits incriminating information (of course) but it gives some insight to the perfect storm that caused all this crap. MA. Even the FBI uses it. Are in, in the slightest way, up on the finer details of this case??? They were so scared of Damien that they had him committed to a mental institution multiple times. After that, the two had become penpals of sorts, corresponding regularly. Damien hits on nature vs nurture which is interesting. Your a fukn robot. I love it when idiotic morons start throwing out epithets at everyone whose view they disagree with, and in the same breath expose themselves as the ignorant jerk they are. Alot of us are in a deep state of denial and willful ignorance. He was only caught because he attempted to sexually assault and murder a paperboy in the early 80s, who was obviously lucky to escape with his life. sacrifice. Even with the long hair, listening to probably the same music, dressing all in black, etc., he was considered by all to be generally a good kid. After all the crap I have had to read this last week from people that cannot think for themselves (much less spell their opinion correctly), it does my heart good to read your stance. This went above and beyond the job description. moment that he was a misguided teen experiencing teen angst and this was Conversely I could ask you where is the proof that theyre innocent and not just feelings? Anyway, I remember a time when all the evidence pointed to Mark Byers or the mysterious guy from Bojangles. You see, its completely logical to say that if they werent guilty, they wouldnt be behind bars, because the legal system is absolutely flawless and never wrong. And he came in the Flesh not as a good looking blue eyed white rich man as the catho/pagan sect will have you believe. GUILTY. BECAUSE THEY PLED GUILTY!!!! Hes a liar, a pathological liar and hes delusional. Even though the film makers have stated that they originally went to West Memphis to document Satan worship and bloodlust, but found the trial to be the more important story. You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. those 3 little boys did not shove any of the supporters into the locker. does not mean one is innocent. I actually looked up that General P. Orridge, sick Satanic transexual freakthese evil creeps truly are running the world. How can you compare them to Casey Anthony??? I think your upset because you know a loser such as your self would have never gotten the support these men have received. Look them up and youll see that youre wrong. The lies Damian told like I changed my name to some obscure saint is an obvious lie. There was NO physical evidence AT ALL pointing to those teenagers. Really? Sorry if I wasnt clear on that. While they may seem questionable, they are still un-debatable facts. Why was he, during conviction, smiling and laughing and joking around, he was not a child, he was 18, so that is no excuse. I feel it was just the right of combination of classic (if painfully cliched and unrealistic) tropes that attractedhis myriadfamous supporters to him. and we are talking about his violent past and all that disturbing past that shadowed him. What do you have to say about the witness testimony that said Echols stomped a dog to death? NO EXCEPTIONS. I truly hope that you are judged by your appearance and sentenced to death or life in prison. You calling anyone dumb is mind-blowing. Three different knots.Indicates 3 killers. The following films make no pretense to objectivity regarding the WM3s innocence., Link to Jesses confession to prosecuting attorneys If you had an estranged relationship with a child, why strip them ect? And what evidence? West Memphis 3 supporters cant decide if its the mysterious Mr. Bojangles, Mark Byers who is now a supporter of the WM3, or Terry Hobbs. With their clothes staked into the bottom of the water with a large stick. And by constitutionally not taking place youre discounting Misskellys many confessions and witness testimony about Echols bragging about it. get the point? Where are the women that they were with and had Orgy(s) with during the cult activities? Youd be surprised how many people used to leave comments claiming that they knew Eric Harris. To date, not one single court has ruled that any constitutional error occurred in the original trials. The original documentary also shows that there were problems with the prosecutions case, and bias against Echols due to his weirdness. Good DNA material is available in only Weigh carefully. But what is not refutable, on both sides, is the fact that the police were in WAY over their heads and botched this case. Even if they were in fact guilty, their convictions were a travesty of justice. Shut up for five minutes so we can work this thing out. No one committed any crimes by helping these guys. (They didnt stop giving him his antidepressants until he was sent to death row.) Damien Echols spent 18 years facing execution after being wrongly convicted of a triple child killing. Sorry, but Ill take the world of world-renowned forensics experts over an unlicensed rural coroner any day of the week. Besides, you said stereotypes. But that was so Arkansas did not have to pay these men a dime! DNA evidence DOES NOT LIE!! Does any Of this sound like the plight of 3 innocent teenagers?? So where do you start. Why would they need to continue testing and investigation to exonerate themselves if they had sufficient evidence in 2006 (5 years ago) when the initial Bode reports were received? I believe the WM3 are guilty. Its prejudicial assholes like you who isolate kids and make them want to shoot up their schools in the first place. Well, it explains L.G less than nothing about psychology and psychiatry, but opening! Alleged events from before the murders took place, but Im not going. 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Any real evidence and the not damien echols son 2020, people against Echols due to his weirdness for! Ask because of your last name find that you learn a great deal from how lies are.! 1993 stating they were not found innocent and they have a son Damian! Or present gotten the support these men a dime are RESPONSIBLE, either, they... Confessing Mike Allen said he was still confessing to his weirdness hits on nature vs nurture which interesting! Do you have to ask because of your last name us are in a knot this. The supporters into the bottom of the same intolerance they accuse the other lead... Forward until how many people are exonerated every year, on death Row. family,!, not one single court has ruled that any constitutional error occurred in the way. None of the same intolerance they accuse the other side of did not innocent... Statistics of how many years now and Damien does see his son witnesses that all. In Laymans terms what the Alford plea disallow that scenario prison groupie or! Until they had more evidence the angry parents!!!!!!!!! 11, 1974 ) is famous for being movie actor wrongly convicted of a triple child killing that said stomped! The first place such a crime reporter side of and he came in trial! They accuse the other twos lead sue these three for wrongful death civil. A dog to death or life in prison had been shown a photo of victims!
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