Get lots of zombies. So, looking at Teferi, Master of Time, I know what to say about him in theory: take the "High Risk, High Reward" archetype and tune it up to 11. Someone please help me out here. In that case, decks that aren't reliant on creatures come more into their element (Ral, Tezzeret, Nicol Bolas, Karn, Jaya, Teferi, for example) and others become less favorable (Koth, Hautli, Sorin, Sarkhan, etc.). - Sarkhan, Fireblood (0/0/0/+5/+4) 7/6/6: He's got entertaining mechanics and does fairly well at getting cards out/creating dragons, but his abilities are a little lackluster when compared to other mono-reds. - Chandra, Torch of Defiance (R) (0/0/+4/+5/0) 5/6/5: Back when Energize was a viable mechanic, this iteration of Chandra was quite powerful--she could get rid of Energized gems and do substantial damage at the same time. Picking up a few of these should be a priority when selecting planeswalkers. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Flexible planeswalkers have abilities that complement either play style, and can be taken either direction without compromising their kit. That's not even touching on the ludicrous Landfall ability, and I'm not even talking about in Landfall decks. You'll also want cards to populate your graveyard as quickly as possible to maximize damage. I'm completely open to suggestions and improvements to this tier list--make a valid argument and I'll move planeswalkers up/down as necessary! Chandra is like that but kinda worse because they don't even need the removal; they can just attack her to kill her dead. Over, Under, or Just Right? - Kiora, Master of the Depths (U / G) (0/+3/0/0/+3) 5/8/6: Her mana bonuses aren't great, but her abilities make it easy to control your opponent's hand (draining six mana is quite powerful), field your creatures, and the ability to pull out a 32/32 with Reach and Trample should things to awry. Rank it Now! - Angrath, the Flame Chained (B / R) (-1/+2/+4/+4/-1) 7/6/6: If you're looking for a solid discard alternative to Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, look no further. These planeswalkers are more difficult to rank because there are few of them, and their usefulness comes down to the cards that you have (although they can field significantly more than the other planeswalkers, so that would naturally rank them higher up). Very down on this one. Getting Started: Throw in cards that work together. Teferi is a good example of this, since including some control cards in your deck is pretty important to keep him afloat. Ability Strength: This is an attempt to gauge the relative strength of their abilities. Now, though, since she doesn't generate enough Energized gems to make it worthwhile, she can't keep pace in standard. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Your random Meren of Clan Nel Toth or Yarok, the Desecrated deck is still going to have cards like Sakura Tribe Elder and Farhaven Elf to get multiple counters on Nissa a turn. Agh! Fast planeswalkers can usually set themselves up in the first few turns (Karn or Hautli for example, due to mana gains and easy ability setup). There's a reason Dargo, the Shipwrecker is her most popular Partner: Jeska makes Dargo lethal by herself! Like, did everyone just decide this card was miserable and not play him? He needs a little help getting to his third ability--decent control cards can get him there. Getting Started: Artifacts, artifacts, and more artifacts. As it stands new players would never buy these PW's (even if they want them) because their abilities aren't general enough for standard play. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. and big creatures. Oktagon, from their first set of Ixalan, made a uniform system for PW leveling. Getting Started: Find black creatures that have ETB (enter the battlefield) or destroy effects. - Ob Nixilis, Reignited (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 8/8/8: The only thing that keeps Ob Nixilis from Tier 1 is his dependence on certain cards and lack of great mana bonuses. Five mana Shock isn't exactly great, either. Over, Under, or Just Right? Creature Driven planeswalkers need creatures to fully utilize their abilities, and find wins most reliably by including a few choice creatures (Hautli, Radiant Champion, for example). It all connects! Medium, Card Reliant, Weaker Abilities, Creatureless. Getting Started: Look for creatures and spells with Energize and Overload. Over, Under, or Just Right? Overplayed:And because I have to fit this in somewhere: it doesn't even work well with Doubling Season. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Unlike many other black planeswalkers, you don't want to play out of your graveyard--you just want to fill it. - Liliana, Defiant Necromancer (B) (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 9/10/8: What makes this basic planeswalker better than the others is that her discard mechanics are relevant even at top levels of competition. However, she lacks the ability to revive her zombies (unlike every other iteration of Liliana) and her third ability relies on you losing creatures to gain token creatures. - Saheeli Rai (U / R) (+1/+4/+1/+4/+1) 8/7/7: If it weren't for the fact that there always seem to be Vehicles in standard, Saheeli would probably drop a Tier. His reliance on getting good cards, though, is what keeps him from Tier 1. - Ob Nixilis, Reignited (B) (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 8/8/8: The only thing that keeps Ob Nixilis from Tier 1 is his dependence on certain cards and lack of great mana bonuses. Enough about design principles. These are all bad. Has Nissa of Shadowed Boughs been insane for you? Once you put down his third ability, you'll want to be able to pump your creatures as quickly as possible. Over, Under, or Just Right? Getting Started: Thopter token generating cards and vehicles. For more information, please see our Sarkhan Unbroken (-1/+3/-1/+3/+3) 6/6/7: With a built in Deploy the Gatewatch, the ability to increase his mana bonuses, and overpowering token creatures, this iteration of Sarkhan is exceptionally powerful. Getting Started: Look for particularly nasty white supports that help control the board like Seal Away, Suppression Bonds, Sphinx's Decree, and Ixalan's Binding. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (+1/+1/+1/+1/+1) 6/6/7: Conceptually, Ugin is quite powerful--his third ability is a slightly weaker Blue Sun's Zenith, his second ability is a powerful control ability, and he has the ability to scale up his mana. Getting Started: Grab a few control cards. Medium, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. As noted by u/Duke_Paul, if Karn gets any steam going, he'll win the match pretty easily. Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. 1. Getting Started: Look for powerful direct damage spells, supports that help you draw/enhance damage. Planeswalkers released after Ixalan follow simple rules for their mana bonuses: Origins, Battle for Zendikar, and Oath of the Gatewatch Planeswalkers all have lower mana bonuses than this, as do many others before the Ixalan set. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: Kiora loves control cards (return to hand, drain mana, increase cost, etc.) Cookie Notice However, he lacks the ability to close out matches as efficiently as other planeswalkers. So why is most of his play as a bog standard 'walker in Superfriends decks? Unless you have a robust collection or really want to play legacy, these are fine to pass up. Getting Started: Werewolves with flip abilities. 3. Fazendo sua estreia em MTG durante o Kamigawa: Dinastia Neon definido, o planeswalker sem nome retorna em Phyrexia: All Will Be One (1). - Tezzeret, the Schemer (+2/+3/+3/+1/0) 6/5/6: Although his mechanics are reliant on a past block, his abilities are self-sustaining enough to keep him viable. These planeswalkers rely on mechanics that no longer are used. He's pretty effective, but a consistent flow of control is needed to fully capitalize on his play style. With more recent Planeswalkers, the HP added is lower at low levels, presumably as an additional incentive to level up. Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients reminds me a lot of Nahiri, the Lithomancer, and I wasn't very high on that card. - Ajani, Vengeant (+3/+1/0/+2/+2) 9/6/5: He comes equipped with a lot of control and can efficiently control the board. - Vivien Reid (G) (+2/+2/0/0/+5) 8/5/6: With the right creature cards, Vivien is unstoppable. Create your own MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) ranking to contribute to these Community Rankings. Karn, Scion of Urza (+1/+1/+1/+1/+1) 5/5/6: He needs some good supports. A final note: I'm certain that many reading this list will probably find a few classifications they don't agree with. To capitalize on his third ability, it requires a deck loaded with Legendaries. - Nissa, Steward of Elements (U / G) (0/+3/0/0/+4) 5/6/5: In Legacy, her cycling mechanic can make for easy wins. He needs a little help getting to his third ability--decent control cards can get him there. Getting Started: Look for typical black control cards and some decent creatures. Getting Started: She benefits significantly from cards that destroy sections of the board, direct damage spells, and little creatures. Never seen this thing there either. If he inherited some of the fabricate abilities from the other Tezzeret, he'd move up fairly quickly; as is, he's a little clunky in a color that doesn't have the strongest set of supports. In the Landfall decks with Fetchlands, extra land cards like Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, and with commanders like Lord Windgrace, it's gonna be impossible to keep Nissa low on loyalty. Relies on old mechanics. - Angrath, the Flame Chained (-1/+2/+4/+4/-1) 7/6/6: If you're looking for a solid discard alternative to Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, look no further. Medium, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: Look for solid green creatures. Getting Started: Look for creatures and spells with Energize and Overload. His mana bonuses are diverse, but his strength is in his ability to field so many supports. Just Right: This is also probably the last set of PW deck 'walkers we're ever gonna get, so wave goodbye to these terrible but utterly fascinating Magic cards. - Ral, Izzet Viceroy (U / R) (0/+5/0/+5/-2) 6/8/5: In the current block, with some decent Izzet cards, he's ridiculously powerful. You could play almost anything over Basri that said "counter" on it, and it'd probably be better. Getting Started: Look for cards that force your opponent to discard. Slow, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Slow planeswalkers are really at the mercy of their match ups; unless you've got a solid deck with a good strategy to get rolling, most decks you'll play against will trigger faster (Jace, Telepath Unbound just doesn't come online quickly unless you're really lucky). She's like a one-shot Fiery Emancipation, and that's terrifying. As one gets farther away from top tiers, the speed slows down a bit, and the reliance on cards increases. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. She has decent mana ramp and could rise very quickly if Energize were reintroduced. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Outside of blocks that use Energize, he's not that great. Outside of blocks that use Energize, he's not that great. The downside to this, though, is that green does creatures best. Get lots of zombies. Do let me know in the comments if you've seen this dork. He's also quite easily to use as is. Unlike many other black planeswalkers, you don't want to play out of your graveyard--you just want to fill it. However, he is heavilly reliant on the type of deck he's playing against--which makes it difficult for him to scale up quickly. I like Avaricious Dragon, but the absolute worst feeling is when you go to end step and someone casts, like, Utter End on it. Getting Started: She'll need control cards. Medium, Card Reliant, Weaker Abilities, Creatureless. Getting Started: Cards that do damage to your opponent are best, along with some control and the ability to make the match run long. - Koth of the Hammer (R) (-1/-1/0/+9/0) 10/6/3: Koth has ridiculous mana bonuses, and cheap mechanics that help him get red matches. I have an irrational love for Crystal Ball. Slow, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. For example, Hautli, Radiant Champion requires a creature and her first planeswalker ability to come on line; Tezzeret the Schemer, on the other hand, requires building up to his third ability before he fully comes into his element. MtGPQ Deck Strategy & Planeswalker Discussion. Hi my name is Max Moed-Nelson (IGN: mrhibachi) and today I've decided to do a write-up about my assessment of each of the planeswalkers in MTGPQ. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Often, the worst that Nissa can really be is the best creature in your graveyard with two counters on it or hand as well because let's put more words on this card, I guess! - Ajani, Unyielding (+4/0/0/0/+2) 8/5/4: On paper, he's powerful. Fast, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. Fast, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. - Elspeth, Sun's Champion (W) (+7/+3/-2/-2/+3) 6/6/5: Elspeth has great mana bonuses, good board control, and doesn't take much to get going. Getting Started: In the theme of Gruul, you'll want large green creatures. Slow, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. That'll be fun to sort out. Getting Started: Get Drake Haven and cards with cycling. However, she's weak against control decks, and needs a good set of cards to start with. The Eldrazi Desolation (0/+2/+2/+2/+1) 6/7/6: His kit allows him to be viable even outside of Eldrazi blocks. In the current block, she's borderline Tier 1 because her mechanics work so well with Golgari cards. MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) Tier Lists There are not enough rankings to create a community average for the MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) Tier List yet. - Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (+3/+2/0/0/+2) 5/10/7: He relies too much on Ally cards to be viable in anything outside of Legacy. - Gideon of the Trials (W) (+5/0/0/0/+4) 5/5/5: Token blockers, the ability to significantly enhance his creatures, and returning creatures from exile all keep him in Tier 2. Getting Started: hints. She only has one loyalty ability, however, and it only allows you to look at the top 4 cards you have and play one as long as it isn't a creature or land card. Over, Under, or Just Right? MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) Tier Lists. Getting Started: Throw creatures into your deck. Tier 2 monocolor planeswalkers can be quite powerful, but rely more on cards than Tier 1 planeswalkers. Getting Started: She benefits significantly from cards that destroy sections of the board, direct damage spells, and little creatures. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: Cards that do damage to your opponent are best, along with some control and the ability to make the match run long. . I'm open to reclassification for a well presented case. I've finished many different events with perfect scores (Platinum in every color) and I am currently in a top 10 coalition (shoutout to TeamReckless). By incorporating one of the strongest points of green into your deck, you're counteracting the strongest points of Garruk, and vice-versa. Eligible Sets: Core Set 2021, Jumpstart, Zendikar Rising, Zendikar Rising Commander, Commander Legends. Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (U / B / R) (-2/+3/+4/+4/-2): In all honesty, his abilities are somewhat lackluster. With his third ability, you wont have to worry much about their cost. - Sorin, Grim Nemesis (W / B) (+4/0/+4/0/0) 10/5/5: The only thing that keeps Sorin from a Tier 1 position is his low HP and that he needs both his second and third ability to turn any deck into an overpowering force. Liliana, Untouched by Death, sometimes called L4, is the fourth of many playable Planeswalkers in MtGPQ which embody Liliana Vess at different points in her life. With the right combo, you can create a Prevent Damage setup that only a few cards can get around. Drag the images into the order you would like. Relies on an old mechanic. Getting Started: Look for particularly nasty white supports that help control the board like Seal Away, Suppression Bonds, Sphinx's Decree, and Ixalan's Binding. It hasn't. Getting Started: Look for budget strong creatures that you can enchant with his first ability. Getting Started: Look for cards that enhance your creatures. Each Planeswalker also has unique Loyalty abilities which may be activated during play. A final note: I'm certain that many reading this list will probably find a few classifications they don't agree with. Okay, it was fun going over the planeswalker deck 'walkers before, but now when I'm kinda cramped on space, I don't have time to play devil's advocate. - Jace, Cunning Castaway (+2/+3/+2/+1/+1) 6/9/4: His abilities provide the creatures to do damage while you can focus on locking down your opponent with blue control spells. Relies on an old mechanic. Planeswalkers of 2020. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: A few more control cards never goes awry, but otherwise he's very adaptable. Very much my type of value nonsense card. There are clear benefits to playing Planeswalkers with high spike bonuses with mana conversion, and when playing without mana conversion, to use Planeswalkers with a balanced spread of bonuses. 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